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[A] URGENT! For US LabVIEWers only. PLEASE help me and 1M decent people TODAY. Get LabHSM for FREE!


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Dear fellow LabVIEWer's, who live in US:

I deeply apologize for this off-topic post, but this

is extremely important and extremely urgent.

I am Stanislav Rumega. Many of you know who I am. For

those who don't: I am a Certified LabVIEW Architect,

the author of LabHSM toolkit for advanced event-driven

programming in LabVEW (labhsm.com). I also recently

made available a free simpler but rather powerful

architecture too (check out the Application

development forum on LAVAG.org) I modified the famous

David Boyd's Tunnel Wiring Wizard for LabVIEW 8 and it

was me who gave you the PMS Assistant, the first tool

to conveniently access the secret Scripting features

after NI hid them in LabVIEW 8.

Some of you may also remember my desparate outburst on

this forum in Summer 2005. I really appreciate all the

support I received from most of you. For those who

don't know: I have lived in US for more than 9 years

absolutely legally. I have a Masters Degree from US

university. Neveretheless my GreenCard is nowhere in

sight! There is about a MILLION people like me,

high-skilled LEGAL immigrants who are stuck in this

"process" for many years. We are bound to employers,

can't accept promotions, our wives are not allowed to

work, can't even get driver licenses in some states,

etc., not eligible for unemployment, or social

security, though we pay for it, etc. If losing a job

we have to start the "process" all over again.

Please see here for more shocking details:


There is a major piece of legislation, High-Skilled

Immigrant Interim Relief Act of 2006 , introduced by

senator Cornyn that can pass TODAY, which will provide

significant relief to us, educated, high-skilled LEGAL

immigrants. Unfortunately, the anti-immigrant hatred

groups have waged a massive phone campaign to stop

this measure.

Please see details here:



Easy access to senator's contact info:


I BEG FOR YOUR HELP! Please call your senators and ask

them to support this measure. You will help yourself,

because it is the handicapped status of foreign

workers, their boundeness to employer for the length

of the "green card" "process" that allows unscrupulous

employers to underpay us and displace you!

To my anti-immigrant "friends": Don't bother. I am not

gonna start a dispute here. I am appealing not to you,

but to my decent and compassionate American


What else can I do? All I have is my toolkit. I will

give a FREE LABHSM LICENSE to anybody who tells me

(please email me directly) that (s)he called his

senators and congressmen and asked them to support

this measure.

Of course, you can lie that you did. I won't be able

to check. It's your concience only you will have to

deal with if you do.

PLEASE HELP! Please call and let as many other friends

as possible know about this too.

This needs to be done TODAY!

Stanislav Rumega

With best regards,

Stanislav Rumega :!:


Thank you, everybody who tried to help!

I am sorry if some links were inaccessible.

Here is what happened yesterday:

The valiant and brave effort by Sen. John Cornyn to

bring the High Skilled Immigrant Interim Relief Act of

2006 to a vote on the Senate floor has been stymied

because of the stubborn opposition of a few

anti-immigration senators. All of them had been

finally convinced except senator Sessions from

Alabama, who has blocked this measure.

Highlights of the High-Skilled Immigrant Interim

Relief Act of 2006

* Recapture H-1B visas that have been already

approved by Congress. Even though there is a limit on

the number of H-1B visas that can be issued every

year, Congress has in past years authorized a

significant number of H-1B visas that have never been

used. These unused H-1B visas are needed now, and

should be made available immediately.

* Assist EB Green Card Petitioners in America

Stuck in the Backlogs. The final stage of the green

card process provides green card applicants with the

ability to live and work in the U.S. without needing

to extend a temporary visa. Green card applicants

waiting in line for a green card to become available

should be given the option, in exchange for the

payment of a supplemental fee of $500, of entering

this last stage of the process rather than having to

continually try to extend their temporary visas.

* Exempt Certain High-Skilled Workers from the

Green Card Cap. Highly-educated workers who have

graduated from U.S. universities with an advanced

degree should be able to work in the United States

without being subject to green card backlogs. In

addition, highly-educated workers who graduated abroad

and who have earned master's degrees in shortage

fields (like science, technology, engineering, or

math) and who have been working in the U.S. for at

least 3 years should be exempt from the green card


* Recapture Unused Green Cards. As it has with

H-1Bs, Congress in the past has authorized a number of

high-skilled green cards that have never been used.

These are needed now and should be made available

immediately to nurses and physical therapists.

* Retain Student Talent in America. Retaining

student talent educated in U.S. universities is

critical to our competitiveness. By creating a new

visa (F-4) for foreign students who have been accepted

and plan to attend an accredited program to earn a

U.S. master

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