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Omar's Unofficial Mixed Signal Graph Challenge

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I could use some expert advice.

I'm trying to use the Mixed Signal Graph so that I can have a versatile way of resizing multiple plots at once and having multiple plots on the same x scale. I'm running into trouble making this work so I thought I'd show off what I've got. One pitcher of beer at the Gingerman during NI Week to whoever finds the solution to this challenge first (I figure we might as well keep this trend going! :thumbup: ).

Here's the challenge:
Use a Mixed Signal Graph (MSG) with 3 Plot Areas. The MSG must be on its own pane. If the user selects to show a plot in Plot Area 3, show all 3 Plot Areas. If the user selects to show a plot in Plot Area 2 (and none in Plot Area 3) then show 2 plot areas. Else show 1 Plot Area. The Plot Areas must be scaled to fit the pane in an optimal way (ie, they must take up as much space as possible (1, 1/2 or 1/3 or the pane depending on the number of plots shown). As the user changes the window size (pane size), the plot areas must scale proportionally (ie, additional plots should NOT be seen and the plot should not shrink to a dot). The plot areas should not require a Y Scrollbar at any time. (X scrollbar is fine).

I've attached a VI to use as a starting point (the VI is in 8.20 - the MSG was started in 8.0) - unzip to a folder and open 'Mixed Signal LAVA Challenge.vi'.

Here's a screenshot of the VI so you can see what I mean:


Download File:post-5746-1170919766.zip

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Well, after much troubleshooting I've figured out that basically the reason I can't get this to work is because there are some LabVIEW bugs when scaling the Mixed Signal Graph that cause serious grief. I'm in the process of reporting the bugs to NI and have been working with an AE. When I get the CARS will post them here. I'll still promise a pitcher of beer to share at Gingerman with whoever wants to comisserate over the issues of scaling a panel in LabVIEW! The Mixed Signal Graph is so, so close to being useful for me.... In the end, I've basically avoided the problem I'm having by disabling the user ability to resize the window, which means they better like the size of the graphs, because that's what they'll be stuck with.

Believe me, this post started as a desperate cry for help and is basically ending as a desperate cry for NI to make panel resizing easier!


Will be posting a few 'feature requests' too through NIs forum...

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