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Calling Assembly Language from LabVIEW in Windows

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Good grief I hear you say, why would you want to do that!?

Assembly language has had a bit of a renaissance over the past decade. As a test engineer needing to get a job done quickly with the minimum of fuss I really like the control it gives. Wouldn't recommend it for anything large, though.

This first example shows a LabVIEW program monitoring and controlling an independent process embedded in an Assembly Language dll. The dll was written in a free IDE called RosAsm, at the time of writing see http://betov.free.fr/RosAsm.html . The source code for the dll is contained within. Simply drag and drop the dll onto the RosAsm icon on your desktop to open the source and tinker.

Like LabVIEW, RosAsm takes a little time to get used to. Once that's over, it's an ideal accessory to LabVIEW for creation of little bits of fast 'glue logic' especially dlls. Very small compile - run cycle.

Hopefully more to come soon.

Cheers, Bob Edwards


Here's another one to add a plug-in feature to a LabVIEW Windows application. The plug-ins are dlls written in any capable language - not just LabVIEW. Just another way to make an extensible application for users without the LabVIEW IDE.

It builds on the work of Wiebe Walstra, found at http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...ding&page=2

Cheers, Bob Edwards


Here's a refinement of control and monitor of an independent loop in a dll by a LabVIEW program. The change of state of the counter in the dll is sent to the LabVIEW program by means of a User Event, which should be more efficient than polling.

Cheers, Bob Edwards

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