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SubVI pop up window, Variable counter, Structures


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I am basically modifiying a labview program for acquring data from an electric generator. I want there to be a pop up window to vary some loading conditions on the generator. So in the pop up window i have the user set the Maximum Current, Minimum Current, Low to high or high to low, Step size, and Duration of step. The step size is basically the amount of current that will be added or subtracted from the the max or min depending on the type of graph that is going to be generated. Low to high or high to low is the direct of the current change. When i got back to the main VI i wanted to put the numbers attained from the sub VI window into variables so that i can do an IF then structure so that i can make it take control of the loading conditions from any other portion of the program. I wanted to be able to modify the variable then wait for the step duration and then modify it again.

Things i have questions on.

- I have a button on the main VI that i want to open the sub VI do i need a button on the sub VI as well so that i can wire the subVI to it when i want to call it?

-Local variables all seem to be related to a block and i wanted one that i could basically make a counter of sorts for the similar to counter = counter + Step Size in a loop with a wait and a set number of cycles.

I am very new to LabVIEW so i would appreciate any help that you guys could offer.

Thank you,


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