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USB_RAW have a problemT_T


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I use labview 8.5.1 to communicate with microcontroler (PIC 18F4550).I programmed PIC by MirkoC, use HID Library for USB communication.

I also use NI_VISA Driver wizard for USB on my PIC, and the labview had recognized it.

When i communcate Labview with PIC by USB_RAW, I can write data form Labview to PIC but can't read data from PIC to Labview.

Could u help me to solve the problem. Thanks all! I also use temple of Find example in labview usb raw but it still like it. T_T

It's the first time i post in forum so sorry how can insert image? maybe my E not good!

Thanks again!

This is the code C for microcontroler:

unsigned char Reader[64], Writer[64];void interrupt(){	 HID_InterruptProc();					 // Keep alive	 TMR0L		 = 100;					 // Re-load TMR0L	 INTCON.TMR0IF = 0;					   // Re-enable TMR0 interrupts}//=============================================================void main(){	 ADCON1		= 0;					   // Set inputs as analog, Ref=+5V	 ADCON2		= 0xA6;	 TRISA		 = 0xFF;					// Set PORT A as inputs	 INTCON		= 0;	 INTCON2	   = 0xF5;	 INTCON3	   = 0xC0;	 RCON.IPEN	 = 0;	 PIE1		  = 0;	 PIE2		  = 0;	 PIR1		  = 0;	 PIR2		  = 0;	 T0CON		 = 0x47;					// Prescaler = 256	 TMR0L		 = 100;					 // Timer count is 256-156 = 100	 INTCON.TMR0IE = 1;					   // Enable T0IE	 T0CON.TMR0ON  = 1;					   // Turn Timer 0 ON	 INTCON		= 0xE0;					// Enable interrupts	 Hid_Enable(&Reader, &Writer);	 Lcd_Config(&PORTD,7,5,6,1,2,3,4);		// SETUP CHO LCD	 Lcd_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR);					  // Clear display	 Lcd_Cmd(LCD_CURSOR_OFF);				 // Cursor off	 Lcd_Out(1,1,"WRITE DATA TO LABVIEW");//=============================================================	 while(1)	 {	 Writer[0] = 'A';	 Writer[1] = 'B';	 Writer[2] = 'C';	 Hid_Write(&Writer,3);	 }Hid_Disable();}

another code include form this program

#include "Definit.h"#include "VARs.h"unsigned char const HID_INPUT_REPORT_BYTES	  = 3;unsigned char const HID_OUTPUT_REPORT_BYTES	 = 3;unsigned char const HID_FEATURE_REPORT_BYTES	= 2;unsigned char const NUM_ENDPOINTS			   = 2;unsigned char const ConfigDescr_wTotalLength	= USB_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR_LEN + USB_INTERF_DESCRIPTOR_LEN + USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR_LEN + (NUM_ENDPOINTS * USB_ENDP_DESCRIPTOR_LEN);unsigned char const HID_ReportDesc_len		  = 47;unsigned char const Low_HID_ReportDesc_len	  = HID_ReportDesc_len;unsigned char const High_HID_ReportDesc_len	 = HID_ReportDesc_len >> 8;unsigned char const Low_HID_PACKET_SIZE		 = HID_PACKET_SIZE;unsigned char const High_HID_PACKET_SIZE		= HID_PACKET_SIZE >> 8;unsigned char const DescTables[USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_ALL_LEN*2] = {// Device Descriptor	USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN, 0,		   // bLength			   - Length of Device descriptor (always 0x12)	USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, 0,		  // bDescriptorType	   - 1 = DEVICE descriptor	0x00, 0,								// bcdUSB				- USB revision 2.00 (low byte)	0x02, 0,								//										   (high byte)	0x00, 0,								// bDeviceClass		  - Zero means each interface operates independently (class code in the interface descriptor)	0x00, 0,								// bDeviceSubClass	0x00, 0,								// bDeviceProtocol	EP0_PACKET_SIZE, 0,					 // bMaxPacketSize0	   - maximum size of a data packet for a control transfer over EP0	0x03, 0,								// idVendor			  - Vendor  ID (low byte)	0x17, 0,								//									(high byte)	0x84, 0,								// idProduct			 - Product ID (low byte)	0x19, 0,								//									(high byte)	0x01, 0,								// bcdDevice			 - ( low byte)	0x00, 0,								//						 (high byte)	0x01, 0,								// iManufacturer		 - String1	0x02, 0,								// iProduct			  - String2	0x00, 0,								// iSerialNumber		 - ( None )	0x01, 0,								// bNumConfigurations	- 1// Configuration Descriptor	USB_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR_LEN, 0,		   // bLength			   - Length of Configuration descriptor (always 0x09)	USB_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, 0,		  // bDescriptorType	   - 2 = CONFIGURATION descriptor	ConfigDescr_wTotalLength, 0,			// wTotalLength		  - Total length of this config. descriptor plus the interface and endpoint descriptors that are part of the configuration.	0x00, 0,								//						 ( high byte)	0x01, 0,								// bNumInterfaces		- Number of interfaces	0x01, 0,								// bConfigurationValue   - Configuration Value	0x00, 0,								// iConfiguration		- String Index for this configuration ( None )	0xA0, 0,								// bmAttributes		  - attributes - "Bus powered" and "Remote wakeup"	50, 0,								  // MaxPower			  - bus-powered draws 50*2 mA from the bus.// Interface Descriptor	USB_INTERF_DESCRIPTOR_LEN, 0,		   // bLength			   - Length of Interface descriptor (always 0x09)	USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, 0,	   // bDescriptorType	   - 4 = INTERFACE descriptor	0x00, 0,								// bInterfaceNumber	  - Number of interface, 0 based array	0x00, 0,								// bAlternateSetting	 - Alternate setting	NUM_ENDPOINTS, 0,					   // bNumEndPoints		 - Number of endpoints used in this interface	0x03, 0,								// bInterfaceClass	   - assigned by the USB	0x00, 0,								// bInterfaceSubClass	- Not A boot device	0x00, 0,								// bInterfaceProtocol	- none	0x00, 0,								// iInterface			- Index to string descriptor that describes this interface ( None )// HID Descriptor	USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR_LEN, 0,			  // bLength			   - Length of HID descriptor (always 0x09)	USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, 0,			 // bDescriptorType	   - 0x21 = HID descriptor	0x01, 0,								// HID class release number (1.01)	0x01, 0,	0x00, 0,								// Localized country code (none)	0x01, 0,								// # of HID class descriptor to follow (1)	0x22, 0,								// Report descriptor type (HID)	Low_HID_ReportDesc_len, 0,	High_HID_ReportDesc_len, 0,// EP1_RX Descriptor	USB_ENDP_DESCRIPTOR_LEN, 0,			 // bLength			   - length of descriptor (always 0x07)	USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, 0,		// bDescriptorType	   - 5 = ENDPOINT descriptor	0x81, 0,								// bEndpointAddress	  - In, EP1	USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT, 0,		 // bmAttributes		  - Endpoint Type - Interrupt	Low_HID_PACKET_SIZE, 0,				 // wMaxPacketSize		- max packet size - low order byte	High_HID_PACKET_SIZE, 0,				//					   - max packet size - high order byte	1, 0,								  // bInterval			 - polling interval (1 ms)// EP1_TX Descriptor	USB_ENDP_DESCRIPTOR_LEN, 0,			 // bLength			   - length of descriptor (always 0x07)	USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, 0,		// bDescriptorType	   - 5 = ENDPOINT descriptor	0x01, 0,								// bEndpointAddress	  - Out, EP1	USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT, 0,		 // bmAttributes		  - Endpoint Type - Interrupt	Low_HID_PACKET_SIZE, 0,				 // wMaxPacketSize		- max packet size - low order byte	High_HID_PACKET_SIZE, 0,				//					   - max packet size - high order byte	1, 0,								  // bInterval			 - polling interval (1 ms)// HID_Report Descriptor	0x06, 0,								// USAGE_PAGE (Vendor Defined)	0xA0, 0,	0xFF, 0,	0x09, 0,								// USAGE ID (Vendor Usage 1)	0x01, 0,	0xA1, 0,								// COLLECTION (Application)	0x01, 0,//  The Input report	0x09, 0,								// USAGE ID - Vendor defined	0x03, 0,	0x15, 0,								//   LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)	0x00, 0,	0x26, 0,								//   LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (255)	0x00, 0,	0xFF, 0,	0x75, 0,								//   REPORT_SIZE (8)	0x08, 0,	0x95, 0,								//   REPORT_COUNT (2)	HID_INPUT_REPORT_BYTES, 0,	0x81, 0,								//   INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)	0x02, 0,//  The Output report	0x09, 0,								// USAGE ID - Vendor defined	0x04, 0,	0x15, 0,								//   LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)	0x00, 0,	0x26, 0,								//   LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (255)	0x00, 0,	0xFF, 0,	0x75, 0,								//   REPORT_SIZE (8)	0x08, 0,	0x95, 0,								//   REPORT_COUNT (2)	HID_OUTPUT_REPORT_BYTES, 0,	0x91, 0,								//   OUTPUT (Data,Var,Abs)	0x02, 0,//  The Feature report	0x09, 0,								// USAGE ID - Vendor defined	0x05, 0,	0x15, 0,								//   LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)	0x00, 0,	0x26, 0,								//   LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (255)	0x00, 0,	0xFF, 0,	0x75, 0,								//   REPORT_SIZE (8)	0x08, 0,	0x95, 0,								//   REPORT_COUNT (2)	HID_FEATURE_REPORT_BYTES, 0,	0xB1, 0,								//   FEATURE (Data,Var,Abs)	0x02, 0,//  End Collection	0xC0, 0								 // END_COLLECTION};//******************************************************************************unsigned char const LangIDDescr[8] = {0x04,0,USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,0,	0x09, 0,								// LangID (0x0409) - Low	0x04, 0								 //				 - High};//******************************************************************************unsigned char const ManufacturerDescr[44] = {22,0,USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,0,	'D', 0, 0, 0,	'U', 0, 0, 0,	'Y', 0, 0, 0,	'_', 0, 0, 0,	'N', 0, 0, 0,	'G', 0, 0, 0,	'U', 0, 0, 0,	'Y', 0, 0, 0,	'E', 0, 0, 0,	'N', 0, 0, 0 };unsigned char const ProductDescr[36] = {18,0,USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,0,	'C', 0, 0, 0,	'A', 0, 0, 0,	'R', 0, 0, 0,	'D', 0, 0, 0,	'_', 0, 0, 0,	'U', 0, 0, 0,	'S', 0, 0, 0,	'B', 0, 0, 0 };unsigned char const StrUnknownDescr[4] = {2,0,USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,0};void InitUSBdsc(){Byte_tmp_0[0] = NUM_ENDPOINTS;Byte_tmp_0[0] = ConfigDescr_wTotalLength;Byte_tmp_0[0] = HID_ReportDesc_len;Byte_tmp_0[0] = Low_HID_ReportDesc_len;Byte_tmp_0[0] = High_HID_ReportDesc_len;Byte_tmp_0[0] = Low_HID_PACKET_SIZE;Byte_tmp_0[0] = High_HID_PACKET_SIZE;DescTables;LangIDDescr;ManufacturerDescr;ProductDescr;StrUnknownDescr;}

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