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  1. Rolf...I'm interested in using this for some ping testing I need to do on some switches and think this might do the trick. Has your development on this gone anywhere? I am using LV 2010 and am getting a fatal LabVIEW error when running the ping.vi example. Fatal Internal Error: "CloseOperation.cpp", line 1479 LabVIEW version 10.0 You will lose any unsaved work. For assistance in resolving this problem, please relaunch LabVIEW, or contact National Instruments. FYI...I installed with the JKI package manager. Thanks, Jim
  2. Classic problem. Never known the best way to get around this. If you are measuring using a frequency DAQmx task, and you have a zero-frequency signal (no pulses--high or low the whole time), the DAQmx will wait the timeout and throw an error. What's the best way to deal with this scenario? 1) Ignore the error -- you're still stuck waiting for the timeout... 2) Count events? How would you pull a timestamp to then calculate your own frequency? I've got to think that there's a slick way to do this and I'm just not aware of what it would be. Thanks ahead of time...
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