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Everything posted by JeffG

  1. Thanks for the suggestions. Dose OOP pose systemic issues with regard to timing and speed? Are there timing issues with OOP when run on non-RT targets? While I'm happy to live with functional globals the use of singleton classes without the need to pass references was attractive. Thanks - Jeff
  2. I was looking for a nice scrolled window to place a LV block diagram in. I've attached a jpg of the loop, the only object used is to check a master stop setting to shut down the loop. The zip file has the class. I know its way cluttered AxleSupervisor_class.zip
  3. It is Endevo GOOP. What's the best format to use to post code?
  4. I'm relatively new to LV and a beginner in OOP. I have a singleton class for routine overhead (writen by an experierenced developer) that randomly slows a timed loop down to a craw, running on a MS workstation. Without the obect the loop runs in less than 1 ms, with it I can randomly see 30-70ms. How does one go about diagnosing such problems with GOOP objects? Thanks- Jeff
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