Hi Porter, Thank you for the reply.
I have not gotten it quite yet. I keep running into failure to initialize lock or failure to obtain lock errors. I am using a cRIO-9045. Things I have tried:
1) Run MB Master on a windows host using a USB-485 Adapter. Works great, no issues.
2) Run MB Master on a windows host using a cRIO-9045 as a VISA Server with my devices attached to an NI 9871 serial interface. This throws various errors related to VISA lock, with this one being the most common:
Error -1073807345 occurred at VISA Flush I/O Buffer in MB Master.lvlib:MB_ADU_RTU.lvclass:TX ADU.vi:5300002->MB Master.lvlib:MB_Master_Serial.lvclass:Querry.vi:3550001->MB Master.lvlib:Read Holding Registers.vi:2420022
Possible reason(s):
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF000F) Specified type of lock cannot be obtained, or specified operation cannot be performed, because the resource is locked
I tried initializing only a single handle for one of my devices, this works fine. It is only when the locking stuff comes into play.
3) Thinking that maybe the NI 9871 just doesn't properly support locking, I connected my devices to the on-board RS495 port on the cRIO-9045. Again, I ran MB Master on a Windows host using the cRIO as a VISA Server. Same sort of lock errors.
4) With devices still connected to on-board RS485 port, I ran MB Master directly on the RT target of the cRIO-9045. This was interesting. It sort of works sometimes, for a little while. If I give enough re-tries and sufficient timeout, it chugs along for a while but will eventually still error out with lock related issues.
I have no choice but to keep digging into this. If you think of anything that might be useful let me know, I'll try it out. If I get it working I will let you know.
Thanks much!