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    LabVIEW 2017
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  1. @hooovahh thank you very much for your answer. The problem was I was using Labview 64 bit. Now I can see CAN palette
  2. Is it possibile that I can't see the NI CAN library examples because in MAX I have only 64bit Labview Runtime?
  3. In the Example finder, I tried to use the option "Limit results to hardware" selecting USB-8473 but the result is an empty list. Why? I can see NI-CAN 18.5 in NI MAX tool.
  4. I already installed these drivers. Can't I use the XNET examples if I install the NI-XNET Compatibility Library for NI-CAN? Installing the NI-XNET Compatibility Library for NI-CAN - NI
  5. "Some code" ? Do you mean the .vi? I attached it. It is in the Examples. CAN Frame Output Single Point.vi
  6. You are right. I tried but I receive the same error "The interface name given does not specify a valid and existing interface. Solution: Use a valid and existing interface. On Windows, these may be found in MAX". I set CAN0 because I can read CAN0 in NI MAX under USB-8473. Any idea about why I receive the error even if I set (apparently) the right interface name?
  7. I would like to send CAN data using USB-8473. If I try to execute "CAN Fram Output Single Single Point.vi" the error described says that there is no "valid and existing interface" while the USB interface is visible in MAX. I think that the USB-8473 is not compatible with XNET...
  8. Thank you for your answer! Now that the example works.. how can I "attach" the real interface of USB-8473 to your example?
  9. I quote myself.. I copied openG libraries in from one PC where they were installed to the offline PC and it worked. Therefore, i used "Save for previous version" option of another newer Labview installation to save for 2017 version and now your conversion library works!
  10. Thank you for your answer. Is there any way to use your XNet conversion library without openG libraries? My environment (Labview 2017) is offline. Is there any way to install openG libraries offline? I also tried to load your "Basic Frame Signal Conversion Example.vi" but it looks it is developed with Labview 20.0 and I have 17.0. Is there a way to solve this conflict?
  11. Hello to everybody, I still don't have any hardware to send out CAN BUS frames but I would like to verify that I can write a proper CAN BUS frame and display it just one step before phisically transmit it. Using the hooovahh's wrapped library is it possibile to: 1) load a specific .dbc file 2) write a float value in the data payload 3) display the CAN BUS frame just before trasmitting it Thank you in advance for your help!
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