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  1. File format copyright. The IBA ANALYZER. Heavy samples and variables data compression and storage. Who has the rights about a file format? 3 years ago I was enquired to open IBA file format. I have nothing against germane arrogance but I believe that file format has no Copyright. I Know that IBA (www.iba-germany.com) has a good product, better than signal express. I have the entire library to write and read IBA files using LABVIEW. The main problem is that IBA claims that they have the copyrights. I´m after LABVIEW engineers to share my knowledge and create a group to make an open source tool like IBA. I can increase IBA compression performance but it will be no longer compatible with IBA Analyzer. I´m also after copyrights support people to avoid problems with IBA Company. My idea is to create a protocol to exchange industrial process, biological waveforms etc. across network based on a distributed database. I intend to start it based on IBA-PDA and IBA-ANALYSER. The biggest problem with IBA is the need of access big files instead of a protocol to access only the required data at the desired sample. Tools like PIMS does not work fine with fast sample data and I have seen several engineers like OSISOFT ones trying to do it with no success. Please contact-me if you know what I´m talking about and let´s start to create a big tool.
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