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  1. Lots of thanks! Got it all working fine. And to think that they were such simple errors as well. Again, thanks! cheers
  2. Hi all, I have a program that communicates to devices via a serial connection on a Mac machine (using a USB to RS-232 cable). To select which port to onnect to, I've used the existing "VISA Resource" control that gives a drop-down list of available ports on the device. However, it seems to me that it does not refresh itself even after devices have been plugged or unplugged. The only way I can get a refreshed list is by closing the VI and then reopening it again. Is there a better way to do this? My second question is, I intend to build an standalone application out of this. However, I've noticed that serial communications that work completely fine when run on LabVIEW cease to work once you build the application and run it. I.e. writing strings to a device works fine when run on LabVIEW but when running the standalone application it stops working (no response). Anyone that might have any ideas on that? Thanks! cheers
  3. hi, Sorry if the title is misleading. Currently, all my graph data are stored in two separate 1D arrays storing the Y-axis data and X-axis data in the corresponding index of the other array. The intervals between the X-axis elements are irregular. So far, plotting these graphs have been a matter of simply clustering them together and wiring them to an XY-Graph. However, I wish to plot multiple graphs such as these onto a single plot. The multiple plots each have different X-axis arrays, i.e. they correspond to different points on the axis. I'm stumped as to how to achieve this. All help very much appreciated! cheers QUOTE (minority @ Apr 8 2008, 07:25 AM) Again, apologies. Problem solved. Apparently I can just build and array of these XT clusters to multiplot. Thanks. cheers
  4. Hi, I'm reading data from a .ini file and want to convert all the data read into strings. The number and order of data types in the .ini file will vary, so I cannot manually program LabVIEW to convert the data into strings and must try to find out what data type was read. So my question is, is there a sort of "istype" function available in LabVIEW. All help very much appreciated, thanks! cheers QUOTE (minority @ Apr 8 2008, 06:55 AM) Solution found. Was as simple as setting the default value of the Read Key.vi as a string type. Sorry. cheers
  5. I have numerous numeric controls whose related values are related (i.e. a change in one value causes a change in another based on the mathematical relations of the numeric values). Right now, I use event structures to handle the event in which one value is changed and calculate the new values of the other controls. However, my event cases are growing really quick as I add lots of numeric controls and I would preferably like to modularise the handling of these events. One option I've thought of is to have parallel while loops with event structures in them handling different sets of related numeric controls, but I get the feeling there would be unforeseen problems in the future. Suggestions of alternatives would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much cheers
  6. I now see the problem with more than one event structure. The thing is, I'm trying to introduce some modularity in my program. In my case, I'm trying to get the code relating to several numeric controls and a waveform graph contained inside a tab of a tab control to be as separate as possible from the rest of the code. The reason behind this is because I'm trying to make the software as easy to modify as possible for someone else, where he could just add a block of code himself to create an extra tab without messing about with the rest of the code apart from a few wire connections. On another question, is it possible to have the various controls and indicators such as LEDs as part of a sub-VI? I.e., can I define a sub-VI with a proper user interface, and that add it into my main VI and have it shown on the main VI's front panel (not as a new window)? I've attached my (horrible) code alog with this post. There are two while loops. The one on top controls for numeric controllers which contains values that are inter-related, which is why I've used an event structure to change the values of the other 3 numeric controllers when one of them changes. Any changes in the numeric controllers also change the waveform 'Preview'. The top while loop is my attempt at modularising the code related to the cotents iof the first tab in the front panel, which is the 4 numeric control, waveform graph and a single button. But this obviously has turned out to be trouble. Only the tab labeled "Linear" has any functional code in it. The button labeled "Linear" add a line in the listbox in the following format: lin(initial diameter, gradient, length). Again, I apologise for the messy code and unclear questions. I'm very new to LabVIEW and am still struggling to cope with it. All help is very much appreciated. cheers
  7. Hi, First of all, I would have to say I'm absolutely new to LabVIEW. With that in mind, I've created a listbox control and intend to change the listbox's "ItemNames" property as means of controlling what appears on the listbox. However, I have event cases in two different, parallel while loops both adding items to the array of string by reading from one ItemNames property, appending to the array, and then writing back to another ItemNames property node. It seems however that any updates made to the property in one loop does not update the property in the other loop, which makes me feel like that there are 2 local variables in both loops affecting the listbox. I'm pretty sure there is a more elegant way to do this, but I've been confounded for quite a while now. Any help is appreciated, thank you very much. cheers
  8. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Feb 19 2008, 03:12 PM) Thanks for the suggestion. I'm developing for both the Mac and Windows though, so I'm guessing that setting what appears in the context menu would work for both OSes? cheers
  9. QUOTE(Yen @ Feb 17 2008, 06:04 PM) Thank you very much! I'll look through the tutorials. cheers
  10. Apologies if this thread does not belong here. I'm very new to LabVIEW, and have tried searching the Help and this forum for this. I'm looking to create a list in which items can be added or removed during runtime. At the same time, I want to give the user the ability to get more information about the item by either hovering over the item or double-clicking it. My current solution is to use a listbox and a separate button to get info about this, but I would like to remove this one small bit of tedium. All replies would be very much appreciated. cheers
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