I now see the problem with more than one event structure.
The thing is, I'm trying to introduce some modularity in my program.
In my case, I'm trying to get the code relating to several numeric controls and a waveform graph contained inside a tab of a tab control to be as separate as possible from the rest of the code. The reason behind this is because I'm trying to make the software as easy to modify as possible for someone else, where he could just add a block of code himself to create an extra tab without messing about with the rest of the code apart from a few wire connections.
On another question, is it possible to have the various controls and indicators such as LEDs as part of a sub-VI? I.e., can I define a sub-VI with a proper user interface, and that add it into my main VI and have it shown on the main VI's front panel (not as a new window)?
I've attached my (horrible) code alog with this post.
There are two while loops. The one on top controls for numeric controllers which contains values that are inter-related, which is why I've used an event structure to change the values of the other 3 numeric controllers when one of them changes. Any changes in the numeric controllers also change the waveform 'Preview'.
The top while loop is my attempt at modularising the code related to the cotents iof the first tab in the front panel, which is the 4 numeric control, waveform graph and a single button. But this obviously has turned out to be trouble.
Only the tab labeled "Linear" has any functional code in it. The button labeled "Linear" add a line in the listbox in the following format: lin(initial diameter, gradient, length).
Again, I apologise for the messy code and unclear questions. I'm very new to LabVIEW and am still struggling to cope with it. All help is very much appreciated.