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Posts posted by OrangeAndGreen

  1. Hi to all,

    I'm trying to launch the Disk Defragmenter (C:\WINDOWS\system32\dfrg.msc) from LabView, but via several attempts I have only gotten the Windows error 193 (invalid Win32 application) or a floating command (DOS) window. Here is a summary of the inputs and results for System Exec for the tests I've tried:

    Command Directory StdIn Result

    dfrg.msc . (blank) Error 193

    "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dfrg.msc" . (blank) Error 193

    cmd . dfrg.msc Command window in current VI directory

    cmd C:\WINDOWS\system32 dfrg.msc Command window in system32 directory

    If I run either of the first two Command values using the Windows "Run..." the Defragmenter is launched.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I'd really appreciate the help!

    By the way, for those who replied to my post in March about preparing for the CLD (incidentally, it disappeared from the LAVA forum), I passed with flying colors and am proud to now call myself a Certified LabView Developer! Thanks again for the studying tips.

    Nevermind, I figured out a solution while playing around. For those who are curious, I created the following batch (.bat) file:



    Calling the batch file with System Exec successfully launches the Defragmenter.

    I guess I was too eager to ask for help!

  2. Hello coders,

    I have recently encountered a problem very similar to the ones described here, but with another variation. At this point I have simplified my application to the following:

    -Have a list of plugins which are "Always Included" in the Build Specs

    -Main program waits for user to push a button to run a plugin

    -Program opens a VI reference for the plugin, opens the front panel, and closes the VI reference.

    In the IDE, I can repeatedly load the plugins in any order without receiving an error. In the executable, I can load any of the plugins at least once without error. However, after the first time loading one (a specific one) of the plugins, most of the plugins will fail to load (error 1003) for all subsequent runs. The only way to get the plugins to load successfully again is to close the executable and load it again from scratch.

    As a test, I deleted all of the code for the plugin that seems to trigger the errors so that only the controls and indicators corresponding to the connector pane remained. When I run the executable with this plugin instead of the original version, I no longer receive any errors over multiple runs.

    So at this point I am relatively convinced that the "suspect plugin" has some kind of bug such that after it loads the first time things go awry. The previous suggestions about missing subVIs seem like they could be appropriate here, but then why does the supect plugin load successfully the first time? Also, why would loading one plugin have any effect on the future loading of other plugins?

    Clearly, I could use some expert advice here... and where better to turn than the LAVA community! I'm happy to send more info or code snippets if it will help.

  3. Thanks for the tips. I had a feeling that the real CLD exam must be a good bit tougher than the sample exams, but it's a little more nerve-wracking now not knowing what to expect. As you said, I'll probably be too preoccupied trying to meet the specs to worry about extra features.

    Thanks again for the advice. I've still got plenty of time to dig up more materials and do some studying, but I'll be sure to send a celebration post once I get the good news!

  4. Hi everyone,

    I am a relatively new LAVA member that has been using LabVIEW for ~5 years. I'm preparing to take the CLD Exam next month and have some questions concerning the best practices for the exam. For the most part I am wondering where embellishing will help to improve my score. I've read the preparation materials, but there are still some ideas that I'm curious about. I'll list some examples, using the "Traffic Light" sample exam for specifics. In each case I would like to know whether doing the suggested would help, hinder, or have no effect on my score.

    - Make the front panel look better than what is shown in the screenshot. Possibilities would include drawing a background that resembles an intersection with green in the corners for grass, or making a nicer traffic light graphic for the custom control. Should the front panel look exactly like what is shown or is that merely a suggestion?

    - Use techniques that are more advanced than required. A perfect example is shown in the solution that is included with the sample exam. Is it better to "show off" with the use of a queue instead of a basic state machine given that the queue is not necessary (no risk of losing states)? I'm used to the "keep it simple" mentality, but I could also understand the idea of showing the comprehension of more advanced techniques. Another good example is the use of the functional global for timekeeping.

    - Provide extra functionality to the program. One such idea would be to add a "HALT" button to the front panel which could temporarily suspend traffic in all directions (all red). Or even more fancy would be to provide the option for "smart turn-signals" that, for example, would allow South-bound traffic to go while providing the South left-turn signal if only the "South Sensor" was pushed (i.e. don't give North a turn signal that no one will use). Any such improvements would only be included as optional and of course would never replace the specified functionality.

    Thanks in advance for the advice. I'm really enjoying the LAVA community!

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