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  1. Hello, I have got a little problem with a classic slider. If I change the value of that slider, a tip-strip appears showing the value and a unit. My question is: how can I change this unit of the tipstrip? It is not the unit of the controll and it is not specified in the display format... so where does it come from? Thanks for your answers
  2. QUOTE (jpdrolet @ Apr 21 2008, 03:15 PM) Before disagreeing with you, i should have tried your code... it works perfectly!!! Thanks a lot!!!
  3. QUOTE (jpdrolet @ Apr 21 2008, 02:46 PM) one aim of my application is to create clusters dynamicly... so i need a way to get (among others) a variant with its attributes into a cluster programaticly. and i need it there without wrapping it into something else, so that i can later get access to each of the clusters element directly...
  4. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 18 2008, 08:18 PM) Thanks for your answers! @ orko: yes this is what I am trying to do! And your sollution works, but I think I can't use your sollution inside OpenG's "Array of VData to VCluster" VI... I could protect my attributes by wrapping them into a variant, but how do I unwrap them "inside" the cluster?
  5. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ Apr 18 2008, 07:15 AM) Thanks Jim for your suggestion - but it leads to my next question: how can I programmaticly get access to a clusterelement without using any flatten-to-string-operation?
  6. QUOTE (jpdrolet @ Apr 17 2008, 05:32 PM) okay you are right... but in my application I got also variants in my cluster. I changed my example program and it still doesn't work. Like I wrote in my first post I suggest that the flattened data string inside the VI does not contain the attribute information... http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_04_2008/post-11302-1208501912.png' target="_blank">
  7. Hi there, this is my first post in this forum - so I hope it's the right category... In my application I have to use the openG's "Set Cluster Element by Name" VI. The new elements I am setting into this cluster may have attributes. My problem is, that the elements that had attributes lose them after passing the "Set Cluster Element by Name" VI. I think that the problem is the "flatten-to-string" operation inside the "Array of VData to VCluster" VI in the "Set Cluster Element by Name" VI, because the attributes are ignored here... Is there any way to solve this problem?
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