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Everything posted by marp84

  1. yes i've seen that example but i dont get when it connected with real signal
  2. why when i connect to web that i've make through web publish at another computer don't works? tanx
  3. here's the vi u3.vi
  4. i've try to make it but it's still have a noise?
  5. i've signal so lot with noise and it's disturb my real signal, how i can remove this noise and i see it's 50hz or 60hz from my signal? for DAQ i use 1208FS. tanx
  6. hi, i want to bulid ecg signal with labview but not with simulation. can anyone help me to make this? tanx
  7. hi bro i need help how to save graph and text to word? tanx b4
  8. hi bro i glad this forum active again.taxn i've some question about DFD Notch filter. i want to make this filter to remove 60hz from ecg signal but i dont get how to make this cause i dont see the filter in there's only filter out. if somebody know about it please tell me? tanx
  9. marp84

    ECG Simulation

    hai i bro i want to know how i can make the ecg simulator with sine signal? if you know ti please share it with me... tanx before
  10. can i build the notch filter with labview 8.0 proffesional development system? do you know what is the lower and higer cut-off frequency of this filter to eliminate the noise from ecg signal?l?
  11. i've labview 8.0 professional development system can i bulid the notch filter in this software and if it's can how to build it ? do you know what is the lower and higer cut-off frequency of this filter to eliminate the noise from ecg signal? tanx before
  12. i've try dotnet_smtp_send_message_71 but there aren't works well, labviw find error "Error accessing property System.Net.Mail.MailMessage.Subject of NULL ObjectId >> Non-static method requires a target. in dotNET_SMTP_Send_Message_71.vi" can anybody help me to understand that. tanx before
  13. I've try to remote panel and i success but i wonder to know in there can i send some message or email to other pc that just controlled? tanx before
  14. i've download send_multiple_sms.vi but i don't know how to fill or use it cause i'am beginner.Please can you tell me how to use that. tanx before
  15. I've make a circuits to detect the heart beat then i want to view the signal of the heart beat through DAQ USB 1208FS.can someone helpme to make or viewing the signal of heart beat in labview not just view it but we can change the frequency and so the amplitude.Can anyone help me and solve this... tanx before...
  16. hi bro i need to know how to viewing signal graph from instrumentation amplifier (amplifier device) using DAQ USB-1208FS and we can change the frequency and the amplitude. If you know it please tell me.... tanx before
  17. marp84

    Need Help

    i've do that but it's never works
  18. Hi bro i need to know can we access and control the panel of the Application programm (.exe)? if it's can how we can do that? please tell me... tanx before
  19. can you send me sone example.... tanx
  20. this is realtime or just a simulation, maybe you can help me if use NI DAQ 1208FS...? tanx
  21. hi bro i need help to setting Remote panel through internet with LabView 8.0 Professional versions. i hope some one can tell how do that clearly... tanx before...
  22. hai i've try to find ecg simulation and i found it, and i want to make this project real time. can someone help me to make it happens tanx...
  23. marp84

    Need Help

    i use labview 8.0 professional versions, i've NI DAQmx, MCC DAQ for USB and VI logger too.but this all i get (looks attachment). can some one tell how i can find AI an AO complete library. tanx
  24. marp84

    Need Help

    i use labview 8.0 professional versions, i've NI DAQmx, MCC DAQ for USB and VI logger too.but this all i get (looks attachment). can some one tell how i can find AI an AO complete library. tanx
  25. marp84

    Need Help

    hi bro i want to add labview library in analog input & output cause i can't found some icon in there. how i can update n add to that library? if you know about that please let me know it.tanx before
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