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Everything posted by rkesmodel

  1. Let it be said that, "No good design shall go unpunished!" Here I am back with the custom dial. Thanks to all who helped before. For any who wish to review old topic, it is at http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?showtopic=2951&hl=dial The customer liked the color changing needle and "target" area so much that he now wants the entire dial face to change color. I am sure there is something simple I am missing, but I cannot find it. In the attached example (the GuageColorControl.vi is also necessary), first move the slider upward slowly to see how things SHOULD work. The transition points should be at +- 0.05. Now move it slowly downward to just past zero, then to past -0.05. The colors should be the same for -0.05 thru 0.05, and for below -0.05 and above 0.05. I am now in ver 8.01, so please make sure any examples are in that version. From the previous discussion I realize that this cries out for an XControl. While I would not be adverse to an example, as I would like to get some experience, I have had no experience with them and would also like something I can modify. Thanks for any assistance, we are in the last week or so before delivery. Roy Download File:post-1161-1161563450.vi Download File:post-1161-1161563436.vi
  2. We are about to start a project that will use a DSP-3000 Fiber Optic Gyro from KVH Industries. It communicates via RS232. Anyone have a LabVIEW driver (7.1)? Thanks Roy
  3. Thanks, all. This has been great. Final challenge, How do I get the teardrop shaped knob? Roy
  4. crelf, Thanks for the last one. I see how you did it, now. Transparent meters, white face, small green rectangle instead of an arc. I got hung up on trying to create an arc. Darren, Appreciate the info. B Chavez, Thats just what I was looking for. Thanks. Roy
  5. Superb! You da MAN! Seeing as no good deed should go unpunished ;-), how can I make a multi-turn trim pot? 3 versions: 1. ten complete turns = 0 to 100 (each turn is 10) , no dial, digital display. This gives more precise control over values. 2. To be REAL fancy, dial is 0 - 10 (complete circle); right above the zero (center, top) is a digital counter 0 - 10 that 'clicks over at the end of each complete dial turn, Value = digital*10+dial. 3. No numbers, value increases when knob is turned CW (infinitely), and decreases when knob turned CCW. Final question. The case structure for your dial example uses case nomeclature I haven't seen before. How do I find documentation on this? Thanks! Roy
  6. Thanks, crelf. 2. Thought I had seen one. 3. Oh, DUH 1. WOW, that's great! Any ideas on how to get the green arc at the top? I've tried playing with decorations, but can't seem to come up with a way.
  7. Hi all. I am trying to replicate a '70s mechanical panel in LV ver 7.1. The project is to replicate the front panel of a test set used in the military. As such, the users (soldiers) are used to it looking a certain way, and have procedures describing specific controls. It will be advantageous for the UI version to be a close to the original as posible. I have accomplished most of this, except for a few items I cannot find in the pallet. I have done some (very) minor custom control modifications in the past, but nothing in these areas. I have attached pictures of the original objects for reference. I am not completely new to this, so I can probably figure out how to modify simple examples. 1. Meter.jpg - This is a common Simpson panel meter, which I have no problem replicating (I don't need the mounting flange), except the green arc about zero, and the fact that the numbers on the left side of zero are not negative. I need to know how to add the arc and modify the numbers. Also, there is an 'alarm' light that comes on when the needle is outside the green zone. I know how to light it, but it would be cool if the meter itself could turn red in the region where the needle is, if outside the green zone. A red arc of set length on the proper side would be OK, but following the needle would be even better. 2. Button.jpg - I thought I remembered seeing a push button Boolean control in the past. Cannot find it now. 3. knob.jpg - I need a knob that will 'click' to preset positions. The teardrop shape isn't manditory, but would be cool. Any assistance will be GREATLY appreciated. Roy
  8. Does anyone know of an updated (better than on NI site) list of computers that will work with the new PXI-ExpressCard interface? Alternatively, has anyone worked with a laptop using the new PXI-ExpressCard interface who is willing to share their success or horror stories? I am about to spec one for a customer and do not wish to steer him wrongly. Thanks. Roy
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