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Everything posted by rkesmodel
Actually, it will be a little slower than that. The rule of thumb I have always been given by NI tech support for all NI mutiplexed devices is (Max samle rate/# of channels*0.8). So, it would be 200/16*0.8=10KS/sec per channel. If you need faster sampling you will either have to buy a faster module, or one that will do simultaneously sampling. For multiplexing at 200K across 16 channels you would need a module with a 200/0.8*16=4MS/sec capability (at least). Roy
Oops, my bad. I meant the NI-9234, four-channel C Series dynamic signal acquisition module for making high-accuracy audio frequency measurements from integrated electronic piezoelectric (IEPE) and non-IEPE sensors with NI CompactDAQ or CompactRIO systems. http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/208802 The other numbers are correct. We want one of the stand alone USB, single module chassis for it. Roy
Does anyone out there have a used or discounted NI-9134 and NI-USB-9162 or NI cDAQ-9171 for sale? We have a need for one of these, but new ones are a bit beyond our contract budget. Thanks.
Great work Kelly. I have used your earlier version (before the cluster and tab controls were added. However, how do you generate the list of controls? Roy
My customer is about to purchase a laptop to run our PXIe-1062Q chassis through the PXIe-8360 kit (PXIe-8360 in chassis to ExpressCard-8360 in laptop). He is looking at either an HP EliteBook 8530W or DELL Precision M4000 running Windows XP Pro. Any stories greatly appreciated. Roy
I would like to be able to set up a default VI that would be AUTOMATICALLY used as a template for all new VIs, ESPECIALLY when I "Create SubVI" on the BD. The way AutoCAD used to do this comes to mind. I could create a drawing with all of my usual default choices and save it as "acad.dwg" in a specific location. Any new drawing would then be created from that template. Currently, as far as I know, you have to open a new drawing from a saved template to do this and there is NO way to control the choices when you "Create SubVI", you have to manually change them every time. Roy
I would like to see the wish list set up with searchable sections, like "FP wishes", "BD wishes", "Project wishes", etc. We could then search for previuos wishes at top level or within levels and VOTE on them. This would save typing in previously submitted wishes and give an easy tally of how many would like the feature. POWERFUL tool to ghet features we want. I have submitted this to NI and mention it to every support tech I talk to so they will submit it. Roy
"Locate in Project" feature
rkesmodel replied to Michael Aivaliotis's topic in LabVIEW Feature Suggestions
QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Aug 22 2007, 01:39 PM) Great idea, Michael. I would like to see the reverse functionality. Right click on the vi name or icon (yes, I'd like to see small versions of the ACTUAL icons) in the project tree (Items or Files view) and "Find all instances" just like we can in VI Hierarchy view. We can "Find - Callers" and "Find - SubVIs". Why not "Find - All Instances"? I have not only submitted this to NI, but also mention it to every support tech I talk to, so they will submit it. Roy -
Does anyone have a working vi to write LabVIEW data to a MatLAB binary file (.mat)? I found this: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/562...62570D10074E3CC but when I try giving it an array name and 2D array of data MatLAB says it cannot read the file ("File may be corrupted"). Any assistance greatly appreciated.
QUOTE (dnt @ May 2 2008, 05:00 PM) Thanks for the suggestion, but I can already get the files in csv format. The problem is that these files can be a big as 103Mb. It takes quite a while to read in that large a file. That is why I was looking for a way to read the bin files.
Test engineers are sending me large (1Mb) .bin files of data saved from an Agilent DSO6104A Oscilloscope. I need to read the files into LabVIEW. Has anyone done this? Thanx
How about a format 'paintbrush' that would copy ALL of the format (text, color, size, etc.) from a control/indicator to another like Word and EXCEL have? I have had a situation where I had what I thought was a perfectly good FP with multiple LEDs, BOOLEANS, etc. and the cutomer came along and said things like, "Make them all bigger", or "I don't like those colors" (and yes, I thought I had prior approval). It would be nice if you could change just one of each item and then 'paint' the others. Roy
How about a format 'paintbrush' that would copy ALL of the format (text, color, size, etc.) from a control/indicator to another like Word and EXCEL have? I have had a situation where I had what I thought was a perfectly good FP with multiple LEDs, BOOLEANS, etc. and the cutomer came along and said things like, "Make them all bigger", or "I don't like those colors" (and yes, I thought I had prior approval). It would be nice if you could change just one of each item and then 'paint' the others. Roy
Hello all, Thanks to an increased Capital Equipment budget, I am now able to put together a 'portable' lab measurement system. We already have a PXI chassis with MXI-3 interface in a desktop PC and want to upgrade to PXI-ExpressCard8360 and a laptop. I am looking for recommendations (both pro and, especially, con) on what laptop I should use. I have a fairly generous budget for the laptop (about 5 grand). I want to stay with a Windows machine. It will also probably become my general use and LabVIEW development machine, so I don't want it to be too massive. I have already printed the list from NI. I am looking for real-life experience. Thanks for any assistance. Roy
QUOTE(David Boyd @ Mar 17 2005, 08:47 AM) Dave, Interesting link. However, the main problem that Paulo will have is that when LabVIEW accesses a flash drive it keeps a reference open to the drive until LV is completely shut down. There are several programs that will do this (even some MS ones). They will keep a reference open to the last drive they accessed. The only way I have found around this behaviour is to either shut down the offending program or access a different drive (do not know if this works w/LV). Aslo, many of us are CLN 'challenged' and the article is so much Greek . Anyone have a solution out there?
QUOTE(Dirk J. @ Mar 23 2007, 03:36 AM) Thanks, Dirk. Two questions. 1. Could you send me that example in 8.01? B. How do you make it work during the installation (not execution)? Roy
I have an installer that also creates a subdirectory called 'TestData' in the same folder as the exe. It would be great if the installer could create a shortcut to that folder on the 'All Users' desktop. Here is the problem. The program will be installed on a customer's computer. At certain points in the program a password is required. The default password, or the customer password (if he changes it), is encrypted into a file in the same directory as the exe. During installation a file is created with the default password. Also, up until now I would create a shortcut to the 'TestData' folder (where all customer test data is saved) on the desktop. I was asked what would happen if the customer lost, or forgot, his password. In this case they would be able to backup their data, completely uninstall the program, and reinstall it, restoring the default password. I do not know if the uninstaller would delete the shortcut or if it would become 'broken' during the uninstallation and would not want to have to go to the customer's site to re-create it. Is there a way for the installer to create it? I have tried the Shortcuts section in the Installer Build specifications, but that will only create shorcuts to files (why?). Any assistance appreciated. Roy
LabVIEW 8.01, Full Development, no added toolkits I need a simple, fast, adjustable method of filtering out intermittant, short peaks (noise) in incomming data. The method we have come up with is to perform a Boxcar (or moving) average on the data. To explain, say you have an array of 100 elements. Take the first 10 elements and average them. This is your new first element. Now take elements 2 through 11 and average them, this is your new second element, etc. You can do this with an incomming data stream, you just lose the first 9. I have what I think is a very efficient, fast method for doing this. If anyone can come up with a better way, I would appreciate knowing. Also, I would like to know how fast this will execute. Of course, this will depend on how many elements are 'boxcarred' and the speed of the processor. I have included a 'throw together' test I created that I think tells me it will execute at about 6 nanoseconds per element with a per run overhead of about 60 nanoseconds. How did I get this? In the test routine I input a file of a little over 12K elements (attached). Before and after each run of the boxcar I capture the Tick Count, subtract them, and output the values. Looking at the graph you see periodic peaks of 1 millisecond. I believe this is where the tick just happens to increment exactly when the boxcar is running. So, if you calculate the number of runs between each peak and divide that into 1 millisecond it should be close to the run time of the boxcar (yes, I know it takes some time to get the second Tick Count). Running this on a 1.69 GHz, Pentium M, Gateway laptop, I calculated (all times in seconds) 9.5e-7 for 1 element, 1.14e-6 for 10, 1.69e-6 for 100, 6.7e-6 for 1000, and 3.03e-5 for 5000. Dividing the 5000 element time by 5000 gave me the 6 nanosecond result, and the 60 nano overhead is an EWAG (Educated Wild A** Guess) based on the 100 and 1000 elements numbers. Better/faster method? All opinions appreciated. BTW. I give the Boxcar routine freely to the forum. Anyone may use it for any reason (though I wouldn't mind credit). Sorry to be so long winded. Roy
I knew that. Thanks all. Sometimes the old brain just doesn't pull up the answer. Appreciate the reminder. Roy
I created a gage that is the right size but is the needle alone as a custom control as a solution to this thread: http://forums.lavag.org/Custom-Gage-last-t...hope-t5663.html I placed the custome control on my front panel. Here's my question: If I change (edit) the custom control (color, size, etc) why doesn't the control change on my front panel? Is there any way to 'update' the control after it is placed (short of deleting it and re-placing it)? Thanks. Roy Oops, meant to attach the custom control. Download File:post-1161-1167801580.ctl
Thanks!! You guys rock. It's always the easy answers that elude you. There are already two gages (right and left). Don't know why I didn't think of just adding another with a static value for the marker and no scale at all. Great solution. Thanks. Roy
For those who followed the previous thread: http://forums.lavag.org/Custom-meter-revisited-t4500.html and helped out, many thanks. As mentioned before, the customer always wants something more. Now we need a programmable mark on the gage. In our application, a sequence of events takes place when the needle passes a certain point on the gage. The customer wants a mark to appear on the gage at the beginning of a test to indicate this point. This mark needs to be able to change position from test to test, but NOT during a test. I am including a test routine showing how the gage currently looks and operates. This is actually a somewhat simplified version of what we came up with before as I cannot stand too much front panel overhead. The gage must being updated (other computations as well) within a timed loop going at 100ms. Thanks, Roy Download File:post-1161-1167726853.vi Download File:post-1161-1167726875.vi Download File:post-1161-1167726907.vi
My customer wants to include the Windows login name of the current user in the report file for a unit under test. While talking with NI tech support we found http://sine.ni.com/apps/we/niepd_web_displ...source=External which works fine running under the development system, but won't as an executable. I put the required file in the same folder as the executable as instructed, but apparently it will not work without the LabWindows CVI runtime engine. The NI technician was able to get it to work in an executable, but admitted that she had CVI installed on her machine. Upon attempting to launch I get the following messages: "The application has failed to start because cvirt.dll was not found..." "LabVIEW: Resource file not found. The file 'sdk_project.dll' is not a valid LabVIEW file." "LabVIEW: Resource not found. An error occurred loading VI 'User Name (SDK call).vi'. LabVIEW load error code 3: Could not load front panel." "Missing subvi in User Name (SDK call).vi in ..." I am using LabVIEW 8.01FD under WinXP Pro, SP2. Any assistance GREATLY appreciated. Roy
My customer has had problems with users loading and playing games on a proces control computer. A loaded game caused the process controlling program to crash. We are creating a LabVIEW program for a different process, and he doesn't want the same problem to occur. The requirement is that the LabVIEW process controller immediately executes as soon as the operator logs on and immediately logs the operator off upon termination of the program. This will be an executable created with AppBuilder. The logon behavior should be absolute (i.e.; ALWAYS happens). The logoff (or break out to Windows) behavior should be password controlled (i.e. Supervisor password allows exitting to Windows environment without logging off). The logoff does not necessarily need to shut the computer off (though I would like to know how to do that, too), just return the user to the login screen. I am using LabVIEW 8.01FD under WinXP pro SP2. I have already spoken with NI tech support and performed a search on their and this forum. I came up with: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/8B0...6256EE900778BDE Which, I think, tells me how to accomplish the launch on login. I would like comments on whether this can be defeated easily. In particular, I need ways to block terminating or breaking out of the program (Ctrl-Alt-Del, Alt-Tab, any others I don't know about). That would take care of the login side. For the logout side I also found http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...ding&page=1 which says it won't work with XP. Any assistance GREATlY appreciated. Roy
Fantastic, Michael. This is what happens when you are working 14-16 hrs a day. The easy stuff whips right by. Just for neatness and consistency I incorporated your changes into the GuageColorControl2 vi (yes I know it's spelled wrong, I am an Engineer after all) and moved the Boolean for the "good zone" there as well. Here's the final versions. Many thanks to all who have helped with this. I offer these free to anyone who wishes to use them. Roy Download File:post-1161-1161816045.vi Download File:post-1161-1161816099.vi