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Everything posted by Mohammed.Achraf

  1. Dear All, I'm using 6210 M series USB DAQ , and i'm acquiring 6 Differential signals at a time from my source, the point is while i'm acquiring , if a rising edge occurred in a PFI , i want to interrrupt the current acqusition running at this moment and restart it again until a falling edge occur in the same PF to process the data in this interval, otherwise if no change occured in the PFI the acquisition is running. the point is that i noticed that while acquiring, the DAQmx Read poymorphic VI will continue running until it finished the acquisition which i want to restart it (interrupt it) as i said when a condition occur. the acquisition might take 10 seconds , if this condition occured inside the 10 seconds then i want to restart the acquisition if anybody can help me in this urgently i will appreciate it very much an example close to what i want to do is at the following path: \National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.5\examples\DAQmx\Analog In\Measure Voltage.llb\Acq&Graph Voltage-Int Clk-SW Trig Restarts.vi but this one is not interrupting the acquisition to restart it Regards... Mohammed Ashraf
  2. QUOTE (tcplomp @ Jun 4 2008, 08:25 PM) actually i don't understand exactly what your talking about i know how to create templates in TDR but dunno how to organize my data in it , plus still the input "Signal" of the DIAdem report VI i can't use as you see in the VI
  3. Dear All, Actually i'm trying to create a self generated pdf report using DIAdem Report vi after acquiring some data from an instrument we have in the lab the data isn't a waveform graph , it's a strings contains the Frame Error rate percentage (e.g. 0.00% - Double) , Numbers of Frames Tested (Integer) , number of error frames (Integer) and finally a Pass/Fail result (string). i wish i can make something looking like this table in the attached document file "channel1.doc" the point is that i'm new in using this tool (DIAdem) , and as you see these tables are with different data formats. i'm thinking of converting all of these results as strings , but the "Signal" input of the DIAdem Report VI is in dynamic data type and is not accepting the string format. i made a simple vi to demonstrate my problem , it will not generate the above table but it is the same concept. Please someone help me in this and tell me how to generate the above tables. this is urgent please Thanks in Advance
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