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Posts posted by Siconi

  1. I can communicate with modules. I found I can do it in a "low level" way, but it 's very difficult. I understand There is another way to do it. I have trying to use VISA objects. I can write and read to and from COM port. But It is just like I write code in  any other programming software, like Basic, VB, C or C#. I'm usig the same way to communicate.

    I know there is an easier way to do it. I wanna know HOW to use ADAM driver and where to find it in LV. Adam Driver is more able to administrate my command and do by itself the conversion: I want to activate an output from ADAM-4056S by using an input from ADAM-4051, for example.

    Anyway, I wanna thank you to all of you for trying to help me. Now, I give you some other hints about my problem.

    On the other hand, I have the ADAM CD which came with every module. It contains the ADAM DLL.exe and DevMan.exe. I've installed both and there is no icon in LV to help me improving my application. What should I do in this case?

  2. QUOTE (Anders Björk @ Jun 10 2008, 10:09 AM)

    Does not ADAM-modules use Advantecs own device manger?

    I don't know. I have installed the DevMan.exe which came on the same CD as the drivers. But no effect.

    I want to understand what happend in the serial communication, what kind of words are sent or received, what is the syntax the module can recognize and so on. Maybe I can discover what to do and WHEN to do.

    I don't know. You guys tell me.

    P.S.: I am a novice operating LabVIEW and ADAM module (serial connection).

  3. Hello.

    Currently, I'm using LabVIEW ver. 7.1 and I want to do sme applications based on ADAM-4000 Series.

    Now, here is my problem:

    I've installed the software (LabView 7.1, the MAX that came with, the ADAM-4000 drivers, ADAM-4000-5000 Utility)

    I've made a serial cable (RS232) because I'm using a RS232-485 converter. All the ADAM-4000 modules communicate on RS-485, so I needed that converter.

    All were god till now.

    I open the ADAM-4000-5000 Utility in order to set up the address of each module. They came from factory with the same address: 01. I needed to change it to see them all in that utility. Every module came with a CD included in its pack. The CD contains drivers, utility and some manual, but that is only generic, nothing I can use for my situation.

    Here is the real problem: I cannot see my ADAM Module either in LabVIEW or in MAX.

    The ADAM-4000-5000 Utility see all the module which are connected through the converter of course.

    What shall I do? What did I missed? Is here someone can help me to solve this problem?

    I'll be very thankfull for your help.

    P.S.: The serial cable is fine and is configured as well. That's not the problem.

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