Hi all,
I have made an application that comes up with a set number of elements every second. I decided to log this data binary, starting with a u32 timestamp.
Each entry has a set number of bytes, as follows: U32, DBL, DBL, DBL, I16, DBL, DBL, DBL, DBL, I8, I8. A total of 64 bytes an entry. Each binary file can have an arbitrary number of entries.
I want to have Diadem 10 read this binary file and convert it to Diadem channels. I think I have to build my own parser via file>dat file>import via header, but I am not sure how to fill in these dialogs. Does anyone know of a good example, application note or have a good explanation on how to make this binary parser?
I create the binary files with Labview. Maybe it makes more sense having labview parse the files and save them as TDM data. Unfortunately I am not sure how to configure these express VIs either.