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Everything posted by GaryTan

  1. Nobody can help me on that?
  2. I'm using the usb IMAQ now. Anyone know how to set a size for a image? As all the images I took is the size of 320x240. I wish to make it bigger. I've try IMAQ SetImageSize. The result is the image become mess up.
  3. QUOTE (Antoine Châlons @ Aug 26 2008, 02:23 PM) Ok...Thx for the hints. I will try work on it. :laugh:
  4. Hi everyone, I'm back again with question Anyone know how to use the IMAQ WindZoom Fucntion? Can explain it? As I need to use the zoom in and out function to analysis an image. The built-in function which appears on the display panel can only zoom in and no zoom out. Thx
  5. QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 3 2008, 09:24 PM) Ok.... Seems like you already provide me answer for my doubt. I just worried NI-IMAQ-USB will not able to differentiate two identical cameras. But since they will be enumerated when plug them in, than the situation mentioned should not be a problem. THX for your answer. QUOTE (Yair @ Aug 4 2008, 12:44 AM) When I wanted to use USB cameras, I had the same question. A simple search of NI's site solved it in a couple of minutes. YA...Thanks for the reminding. Almost forget about this.
  6. I'm now start using the USB-IMQ. Its cool. a lot of stuff we can play with. I have a question on it. What will happen to usb-imaq if i use two identical web-cameras?
  7. QUOTE (Yair @ Aug 1 2008, 07:14 PM) oh.... i see. than which means IMAQ= IMage AcQuisition. Is it?
  8. Can anyone explain to me what is IMAQ stand for?
  9. QUOTE (crelf @ Jul 30 2008, 11:31 AM) Now I'm going to use ActiveX control. Hopefully this method will works well in my works. Yet, I'm still thinking is there a way to solve the situation (just for my curiosity).
  10. QUOTE (Tim_S @ Jul 30 2008, 12:43 AM) No wonder my program can only functions properly sometimes. QUOTE (crelf @ Jul 30 2008, 02:19 AM) I *think* you're using Pete Parente's USB camera drivers, right? If so, the CIN is down in his VIs, and it's not in yours. What I think everyone is trying to say is that there is some error down at that level. That's not really going to help you though, as Pete stopped supporting those drivers at last 5 years ago. Yup...You are correct. I'm using his drivers for my works now. As mentioned above, my VI only works properly sometimes. I did notice the error on this when executing my VI, but can't get any way to solve it. Do you have any idea on this? Or perhaps i should try different method to call the webcam instead using dll.
  11. QUOTE (Tim_S @ Jul 29 2008, 01:22 AM) May I know what is CIN? And how should I solve this matter? Thx.
  12. HI, I'm back again with question. I'm facing the problem showed below. Can somebody help me on this? THX
  13. STR#_11400.bin.txt QUOTE (TobyD @ Jul 14 2008, 10:15 PM) I did use the GetDigitizer VI to obtain the 2nd webcam's driver. It just showed the same driver with the 1st webcam. They now just can't work separately in the VI environment. If the situation is just like what u mentioned, i think using 2webcams with same model might be solve this problem. But i wonder what will happen when they both are called since they are using same driver. This what happened when i try to test the 2nd webcams in Win.Vista The webcam's indicator did switch on but eventually cant get anything and this situation happened.
  14. QUOTE (TobyD @ Jul 11 2008, 10:57 PM) This is the site i downloaded the VI http://mindtrove.info/software/labview-webcam-library/ And I'm using this one to capture image. But it just not working with 2 webcams. The webcams i use are acer built in camera (crystal eye) and logitech webcam.
  15. Hi, Now I'm doing some research using webcams. I'm trying to use .dll to call the webcams in LabVIEW 7.1. The VI I used is come from Pete's homepage. That VI appears ok with 1 webcam, but it cannot take any picture when try to use another webcam (different brand and model). The result just a black image and seems like VI cannot detect the appearence of the 2nd webcams. Do u guys know what happend? How can i slove this proble? Or should i use two same model of webcams? Instead using .dll, should I just use ActiveX to control? THX...
  16. Hi, very happy to join this forum. Nice to meet you guys here... Let's starts with my brief introduction... I'm a postgraduate student doing research on image processing using LabVIEW7.1 with webcams. I'm totally new to both image processing and LabVIEW. Hope that can learn all this from u guys here. THX...
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