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Everything posted by Callahan

  1. Hi all, I have to convert a string like 9 34, which means year 2009 and week number 34 to a string like 090818, whiche means year 2009, month 08 and day 18 (first day of this week). I try to scan my first string to a timestamp with %<%y %W>T format then format this new string with %<%y%m%d>T format but it does'nt work. The problem is to convert the week number. Anybody has an idea ? Thanks all, Callahan
  2. Thank you for the trick ! So...it's not a "special" control as I thought. Another question : Yair, I think that the VIPM source code is not open...You said " OK, so now I did look at VIPM itself "...How it is possible? Thanks, Callahan
  3. QUOTE (Yair @ Jan 26 2009, 06:29 PM) ...The image is clickable...
  4. Thank you guys, I think it is not a picture ring, because when you click on it, you have a TEXT list, not a PICTURE list. Thank you Jim for your answer. I am impatient to know the trick ! ^^ Callahan
  5. Hello everybody, I have a simple question about the VIPM GUI : How is made the LabVIEW version ring selector (see png file) ? It has a image inside it, but it is clickable...I try a lot of ways to do that...customize system rings...but I don't succeed... Anyone as THE solution? (I supposed that the solution is simple, but sometimes it's hard to do simple...). Best regards, Callahan
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