The test above is on a NI PCI-6036E daq card.
I choosed NRA becuase it gives the closest result. How can I check what method the trad-daq example uses?
I dont think its a drift in the hardware, it doesnt matter if I let the examples runs 3s or 10min, the result is the same.
We have connected pressure sensors to the daq hardware.
In column 3 for example, the result in traditional example is about 16511 and in the mx example 17320, i think that is a big difference. The 2 first columns is the preassure and the rest is voltage.
On the traditional vi 'AI' I can get both unscaled (what im using in the examples) and scaled data, how can I scale the unscaled data from the MX vi 'DAQmx Read (Analog 2D I16 Nchan NSamp).vi'?