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  1. Hello all, Recently I have encountered another problem for 3D display. On top of all, I am using the ActiveX CwGraphic3D control. Now assuming I have 3 points: P1 (P1_x, P1_y, P1_z) P2 (P2_x, P2_y, P2_z) P3 (P3_x, P3_y, P3_z) And I know the normal: N: <N_x, Ny, Nz> If I am asked to plot the plane (rather than the triangle surface bounded by P1, P2 and P3, just a flat plan), how could I plot it on the 3D control? I saw that with 3DplotCurve and 3DplotMesh I have to give 3 vectors (x, y and z vectors); Is there a way that I can just give the normal and a point and I can draw a plan? Thanks for help.
  2. Hello, Curretly I met another challenge about the CWgraph3D control. I want to show a background image on a fixed ranges/axes area of the CWgraph3D control in the XY view (or any of the other two projection, does not matter). What I mean is, I have my CWgraph3D control set for the XY (2D) view, and for example, the range of x and y are both 0 - 10 (fixed). I want to show a back ground image of the control so that when I plot things on the control, I will see what I plotted + the background image. I cannot find a way to do it, can anyone give me a hand? Thanks.
  3. QUOTE (neB @ Oct 21 2008, 08:42 PM) Thank you, I got it.
  4. QUOTE (normandinf @ Oct 21 2008, 12:56 PM) Hi, I found the reason why I want the "clear data"/"remove all", In my application I have to plot two surfaces, and I used "CWGraph3D->Plots then CWPlots3D->Add". In this case, I have to remove the data (clear the data) everytime in a loop or else it will keep on adding new plots (overlap). Now I can solve the blinking problem with 1 single plot, but what can I do with more than 1 plot in the 3D control? Any suggestions? Thanks.
  5. QUOTE (normandinf @ Oct 21 2008, 12:56 PM) Hey, thanks for that piece of information, I assumed that when I update the plot I have to clear the canvo first, and I am wrong. I will try to implement it to my application and see if things work out. Again, thanks.
  6. QUOTE (normandinf @ Oct 20 2008, 11:17 PM) In my real application, the vectors will change in every loop (some time it stays the same , but most the time it changes), and I believe if I dont use the "remove all"/"clear data" the plots will overlap with previous. Or am I wrong about it? Thanks.
  7. QUOTE (maybe @ Oct 17 2008, 12:13 AM) I have attached an example here, hope some one can give me some suggestion. P.S. my application is real time purpose, so I cannot do everything behind scene and demostrate them afterwards.
  8. Hello, When I am working with the CWgraph3D control, I met another problem. Say, I am plotting a surface with given x, y and z vectors. The vectors are changing every time in a loop. I have the plot showed right but it is just blinking (due to the fact that I "remove all" plots every time before I plot new things in the 3D control). I wonder how can I solve this problem to have a smooth display? FYI, I am giving the x, y and z vectors from 3 points (P1, P2, P3) in real time moving; So I want to keep trace of motion of the surface which created by the 3 points. Thank you for you help. Regards.
  9. QUOTE (neB @ Oct 10 2008, 09:09 PM) Hello, I tried to set line width, and it does nothing to it. Attached are the example and a function which converts color. Thanks.
  10. Hello, I have a problem about the CWgraph3D Control, wondering if anyone has idea how to solve my problem. So I have 3 points in space, and I am using the CWPlot3D->Plot3DMesh and give the x, y and z vector to have my surface /plane plotted. I am using a XY-Projection. and my 3 points are: P1 : 0 0 1 P2 : 0 1 0 P3 : 0 0 0 And thus my x vector is <0 0 0>, y vector is < 0 1 0 >, z vector is <1 0 0> And for the XY-Projection, I wil have three points which are: P1' : 0 0 P2' : 0 1 P3' : 0 0 As you see, two points apperas to be overlaped each other, and I suppose to see a "line" (if the thickness of the plane is not 0) in the XY projection. Instead, in my plot I see nothing there. I tried to chanage the plot style to surface and line and nothing is shown. I assume it is because the plane is defined as 0 thickness. But I really want to show it as a line (so I want to increase the thickness), what can I do? Thanks.
  11. I am trying to plot two surfaces on the CWgaph3d. I have two set of data, both set contains 3 points (each points has the x, y and z position) in the 3D space. Please refer to the file I attached. I can plot 1 surface without problem, but I need help on plotting 2 surface on the same control. I have been trying different things and I can not get it, anyone has idea how to approach it?
  12. QUOTE (hfettig @ Aug 23 2008, 11:56 PM) Thx hfettig, that's exactly what I was looking for!!! :headbang: I tried to find the "Create -> Constant" in front panel and I had nth, so I was lost. I havent tried to look at it from the block diagram.
  13. QUOTE (normandinf @ Aug 23 2008, 04:32 AM) you have a nice week
  14. QUOTE (hfettig @ Aug 23 2008, 02:22 AM) hey hfettig, I have the similar way like what u posted, but where did u get the enum constant "page 2" ? Thanks.
  15. Here is the question, say, I have a tab control which has 0/ page 1 1/ page 2 2/ page 3 3/ page 4 . . . 9/ page 10 I know that the tab control works like enum and I can get the current tab page number and name. If I want to do this: how many tabs (tab pages) between page 10 and page 2, I can just doing sth like 9 - 1; However, I do not know how can I actually do it in labview. I want to do sth like "page10" - "page2" so that the program knows it is 9 - 1. To be specific, my actual quesiton is that, I want to calculate the pages between a specific page (say , page 2 in this example) and the current tab page (say, page 10 in this example). Any suggestions? I only know that I can make an enum constant and give it exactly the same enum data like the tab. And because I know how to get the current tab page number, I can do the calculation. However I have no idea how can I do it without creating an new element but uisng the tab control itself. Thanks.
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