QUOTE (Ton @ Jan 15 2009, 06:22 AM)
I have the following questions:
1 Which means using open application reference I will be able to communicate with my exe and this communication is done through VI server. So VI server manges different application with TCP server enabled.
2 "Only VI server connections" Will I not be able to communicate with any other application other than labVIEW. if this is wrong what do you mean by only VI server connections.
3 Lets say i have two exes running with different ports TCP server enabled. How does it work?
Can you give me the levels of hierarchy of this communication. like How this whole flow works( Machine name--> ..-->Port--> Application). please explain this I want to understand clearly and 100%
QUOTE (Ton @ Jan 15 2009, 06:22 AM)
I have the following questions:
1 Which means using open application reference I will be able to communicate with my exe and this communication is done through VI server. So VI server manges different application with TCP server enabled.
2 "Only VI server connections" Will I not be able to communicate with any other application other than labVIEW. if this is wrong what do you mean by only VI server connections.
3 Lets say i have two exes running with different ports TCP server enabled. How does it work?
Can you give me the levels of hierarchy of this communication. like How this whole flow works( Machine name--> ..-->Port--> Application). please explain this I want to understand clearly and 100%
QUOTE (jdunham @ Jan 14 2009, 05:21 PM)
Ok this is what I wanted, When I build an LabVIEW exe. In that exe ini i enable the server.tcp.enabled = True and assign it with some other port 5346. (Please correct me if my understanding is wrong). Doing this will actually make my exe as server and listens for clients to connect.
QUOTE (jdunham @ Jan 14 2009, 05:21 PM)
Ok this is what I wanted, When I build an LabVIEW exe. In that exe ini i enable the server.tcp.enabled = True and assign it with some other port 5346. (Please correct me if my understanding is wrong). Doing this will actually make my exe as server and listens for clients to connect.
I need to know the internal details like, whether we are making the exe as a server or VI server opens an option for the exe to be accessed by the other applications.
QUOTE (rolfk @ Dec 29 2008, 02:00 PM)
The advantage of substitute fir orginal copy is, I will get relinked in all the instances that are there in memory so, He just has to open the top level and Save all the VIs in memory or else he need to play with the VI Refnum and relink @ every instance
I am Trying to save a VI to different Location Programatically. I am getting this Error.
LabVIEW: A LabVIEW file from that path already exists in memory.
Method Name: Save:Instrument
I used find all VIs is memory after the Error. I doesnt show up the in that List. Wat could be the reason. How to force fully remove it from memory. one thing is if I stop the execution once and rerun it its working fine. i know there is memory leak. I also tried opening VI reference after Save and Closed it force fully again still it throws up the error.
QUOTE (jdunham @ Nov 4 2008, 08:21 AM)
No this is different. This is to reduce the job of repeated work. How do you guys know these regular expression. How do we construct this regular expression is there any way of doing it or approaching it. Please help i need to learn that.
QUOTE (Tomi Maila @ Nov 3 2008, 10:34 PM)
Can you please give me an Example of Regular expression that find out the Number For this "This is Red apple 345673.vi" ...I guess the out put will be 345673 right ?
I need to know the best way to do this.
Let us say I have a template called Apple.vit . Everytime I open It it Open with a Count appended to it Like Apple 1.vi, Apple 2.vi......I am programmatically trying to save these instances of template different name. I need to remove the decimal number from the template instance..i.e I need to remove the "1" from apple 1.vi and "2" from apple 2.vi. Can anyone tell me which is the best method of doing it. Somtimes it might not be a template it can be a sub.vi which does not have this number. Scan from string throws an error for this reason....I am now doing it in round about way. I just wanted to check the Best way of doing it.