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Dave Hagenaars

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Everything posted by Dave Hagenaars

  1. For a project i am measuring voltages (with excitation) using a "1520" on a scxi-1001 connected to my DAQ card. Now i have a vi build and it works great. Now i can calibrate my sensors using the calibration function of the daq assistant. But what i would like is that the user of the front panel could calibrate the sensor. Because every user will typically only use the program once. So they don't have labview experience. Is there a way to have a calibration mehod on my frontpanel? as you can probably see this is my first post here (been lurking a few weeks now) my experience with labview are only 5 weeks old so i might have overlooked something fairly simple. Also, nudges in the right direction would be welcome. I'm not looking for a 100% clear answer (though it would be welcome )
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