Basically, I'm in my last year of instrumentation engineering and we have to do a project. The topic assigned was a computer oriented project, in which I have to demonstrate any experiment on a computer software. The only software I was thought, and too only there bare basics, was LABVIEW. I was given 1 week to submit my projet
outline, and I had to search online for an experiment. I eventually got one ( thanks to Alberto Leva) which is based on a multivariable thermal system.
I know how the system works very well, the problem I'm facing is how to implement it in LABVIEW. The block diagram is very challenging, and requires years of experience to get it done properly.
Since I know the basics, and the fact that I need to submit the simulation soon, I request any of this forum members to help me build on this project. Any help will be appreciated be it big or small.
I have uploaded the overview of the experiment ( diagrams, equations, how the front panel should look finally ) and the LABVIEW VI (what I have completed so far).
Im using LABVIEW 8.2.
Details of the experiment
LABVIEW 8.2 VI so far