Hi Harika,
Could you be more specific in your question? For example, do you want to know how to have a second axis displayed or is your question about how to calculate the phase variance?
If you think a screenshot of your code or a VI would help us understand better your problem, please post it as well.
hi sir,thank you for ur response.i am very new to labview.i am generating two sinusoidal signals with same amplitude but different frequencies i.e.,i am keeping first signal freq as constant(40 hz) and varying second signal freq manually upto 40hz. i am intended to plot the continuous xy graph for freq difference on x-axis and phase difference on y-axis,whenever i will get phase difference of -90 deg the continuous graph should be stopped.
i need to know how to generate automatical variation of signal frequency.actually i am not getting xy graph continuously for every change of frequency.it is showing one value as a point at that instatent.i am also not getting stopped graph for phase diff of -90deg. :question: