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Posts posted by Mache

  1. I came across an interesting lecture series. This lecture is a 10 part video on youtube and happens to be the last lecture of Randy Pausch, who has terminal Pancreatic Cancer. In short, "truly inspirational" and have not seen something like this in long time now. The link below is to 1st part, But you can find the rest by clicking on incidental links on Youtube site


    Furthur exploring, discovered ALICE about whom Randy talks about in the lecture. You think LabVIEW should tie up with ALICE to become a fore-runner for teaching programming to Students?


    Fo what it is worth ALICE looks like a cool toy to play with!


  2. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Oct 18 2007, 05:12 PM)

    IE was not truly bundled until ver 3.0 and as an after thought on Win 95. In fact the original Retail Windows 95 did not contain IE!!. Only a few OEM versions did. You could buy IE as an addon as part of Windows 95 Plus Pack. People were using Compuserve, AOL and Prodigy. Netscape Came along and changed the whole concept. But you had to pay $40.00. Then IE introduced 3.0 and soon 4.0 making it available as free download. They later went and bundled it with Windows 97 which was never released but started a firestorm we all know about. It was released with Windows 98. To MS credit IE4 was ahead of Netscape. Anyway It's water under the bridge now.

    As far As browsers go, I use Maxthon. But then it is a preference. I like the "Undo" feature on Maxthon a lot. I have all three browsers on my Computer. But look at the stats http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp Firefox has made great inroads. Based on Stats it seems mainstream to me. But there is something new and better around the corner. Maxthon has 30% share in China and may be the fastest growing browser today.

    But more about LabVIEW. If I ask a few engineers, who have just heard about LabVIEW and have not dabbled with it a lot, they will say "LabVIEW is a programming language more suited towards controlling machines and sensors". In fact this is how it is described to the management gurus in the MegaCompany where I am at present. In fact that is how it is sold and accepted into many work places. This perception needs to change and NI is the only one who can change it. For e.g. NI advertisement is targetted in magazines and publications which are geared towards people who design test systems or machines. So to become mainstream this needs to change... It is for NI to do this, we can gripe about it but thats all.

    Visit http://www.ni.com/labview/ and read the short intro of LabVIEW. If you are not a scientist or Engineer Stay away...!!


  3. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Oct 16 2007, 05:56 PM)

    Well there it is, isn't it? You think free is about the right price and I expect to pay what something's is worth. Hmmm, perhaps that's why I'm not using JAVA.....<OK, that's a joke>

    The thing about "free" is it works. If you want to become mainstream, that is the fastest and sure way to do it. The issue is "If you want to become mainstream".

    Here are few classic cases of how free has proven itself.

    1. IE Vs Netscape (IE is the most used Browser today)

    2. Firefox Vs IE ( Firefox has mad great inroads against IE)

    3. Microchip Vs Motorola - Among other factors, Microchip makes their IDE available free and Compiler is also free albeit without any optimization. You pay $500 for that. But for students, startups and hobbyists, it is most welcome and 10 years later Microchip PIC is the processor most used in world today. Mototorla, TI have caught on make their IDE free with some limits on code size.

    4. Cell Phones. The market realy exploded when the cell phone was free with an year long contract. Before it was languishing. In south-east Asia to lure customers, they have incoming calls free!!

    5. Email - Same thing

    6. Java - the free thing helped it.

    I believe in few years you will see

    Free Phone service - If you buy Data & Video, Voce is the minimal user of Bandwidth. It is in place with VOIP. But needs some maturity. IPTV will bring it more mainstream.

    So For Labview. If a version is available, where you can run a samll program (Say 50 Subvi's of some Size), It would now start getting mainstream. People would download it and use it. If someone decides to make a product or use it in a system they will then have to buy it. The whole point of intorducing activation since 8.0 is that. Except dont cripple it after 30 days. Make sure they can use it in some limited way.

    I would like to see LabView go mainstream and there is no better way to do it then indoctrinate the masses. As churchill said "Nothing Succeeds like Excess"


  4. QUOTE(rolfk @ Sep 22 2007, 09:53 AM)

    In fact one of my last assignments has been to take over multiple projects whch are done (not wired or coded) anti-principles. You name it. Case inside a sequence inside a case inside a sequence. Local Variables, Globals, Not Auto indexing, using While loops instead of for loops etc. Can't post the code as it multiple screens in Height and width. Another thing that puzzled me ia lot is varibale names. It can drive you crazy. PressurePSI is actually holding PressurekPA in some places. The biggest challenge was that there are more than 30 loops in the same VI all polling, all timed at different rate and the only way the data is exchanged is via Locals and Globals. The problem was the program works on one PC and does not on another. Pray why should that be?!! The original Author blames the Windoze!! They want me to fix this.

    Anyway to make the long story short. This is what I told them. "Go ask Eric Clapton to pick up his guitar and play cacophony, just random sounds. I bet he will not be able to do it. It is the same here. If you want more Cacophony hand the guitar to someone who does not know how to play. If you want music, the concert must start all over again."

    Anyway. We talk about Design Patterns all the time. But it may be worthwhile to look at Anti-Pattrens, when teaching new people.

    Lava Flow

    Accumulate and Fire


    Busy Spin

    Italian Coding

    Golden Hammer

    Accidental Complexity

    Boat Anchor

    Just Some nice terms to use... when talking code



  5. Here is an example of a Time Stamped Chart in an Application which is put on intranet/internet using the Web Publish tool from the menu.

    Download File:post-1417-1107377568.vi

    To see the bug do the following.

    1. Make sure Web server is active on known open port.

    2. Ensure that you have saved the Htm file for the vi.

    3. Run the Vi and let it run for 10 minutes or so.

    4. Connect from another computer or even the same computer using remote panel URL in the browser

    You will see that the time stamps on the chart on server does not match the Browser time Stamps.

    Reported this to NI with acknowledgement of the Bug and that it has been referred to R&D

    If any one has a Work around, It is greatly appeciated.


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