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  1. Hi shawn , im sure it is a full wave circuit , i am just wondering why it dosent display curves as a normal oscilloscope , what im trying to say is how do i interprete this graph to my supervisor at my final year project defense
  2. QUOTE (crossrulz @ Apr 30 2009, 06:57 PM) My boolean is set to true and evry other thing seems fine. for example if i send an F via the serial port the microcontroller shud match this ascii string and send a one out a microcontroller pin. ive been on this 4 days an it is really freaking me out. pls help QUOTE (ccie @ Apr 30 2009, 10:42 PM) My boolean is set to true and evry other thing seems fine. for example if i send an F via the serial port the microcontroller shud match this ascii string and send a one out a microcontroller pin. ive been on this 4 days an it is really freaking me out. pls help by the way i am petersrule2003
  3. Hi all , i have been able to display a waveform from a real circuit , but the problem is i have not been able to display it at the right speed it appears to fast on the waveform graph . please can anyone help me modify my code to sample the serial port bytes at 250ms and display it so that it will be a lot slower to the eye.Or is dere any way to adjust the wavefor so that it can be a lot slower to the eye for analysis Secondly can anyone pls help me display nothing on the waveform graph when bytes are not in the serial port. i am using labview 8.0 Thanks for ur anticipated response
  4. QUOTE (confidence @ Apr 13 2009, 01:36 AM) Thanks confidence and downloaders, So labview does display what ever bytes it receives in real time ? [yes|no] , the reason for asking this is cos i need to know where the problem lies(either in ucontroller program or labview) I am really new to labview , pls can anyone modify my code to display nothing if no bytes exist at the serial port and upload. Thanks Love Zinedine.
  5. Hi all , i have successfully displayed a full wave rectifier on labview waveform graph via a serial port thRough a microcotroller , but when i turn off supply to the rectifier i expect the rectifer output to be removed from the labview waveform graph but it still gets displayed , why is it so ? and is there any way to make the waveform change in real time. find the attached VI
  6. Hi guys here's the VI i created for my final yr engineering project , pls i just joined this forum and i commend what the organisers and experts are doing .Pls here is my code to control a real circuit via a serial port and read the output of the circuit(that has been passed thru an ADC implemented on a microcontroller) and plot it on a waveform graph(scaled down version of an oscilloscope). Pls ill appreciate any comments and suggestions and errors u might have noticed. Users will be able to change parameters any time the program is running and be able to view the effect of such changes in real time on a voltage againt time graph(oscilloscope) Thanks for ur anticipated repply Love ccie #23xxx
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