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  1. My VI just crashed and it said it had a VI stored for recovery at the time I wanted. But when I hit recover it was not the one I had been working on instead was the old one I had saved. I closed out of all of that but is there a way to bring back my vi??
  2. That works perfect! Thanks
  3. Like most I am guessing, I am fairly new to this. I have tried to look at Arrays in the search menu and even tried doing video after video and I can't really find something that can help me out. So I figure I could ask the experts... How can I have the contents of a combo box (or something like a selection box) be updated by an 1-D string array? I know my vi is incorrect... I just wanted to throw it together to show what I am trying to do select path.vi
  4. Kubo

    Serial ports hosed

    Ah geez. How embarrasing... There was a a mode bit that needed to be set in the fixture that supplys the clock. Sorry about that, it works now Thank you for your help.
  5. Kubo

    Serial ports hosed

    With the labview program, it is only configuring/ opening a Visa serial connection to 1 port. However it seems to have affect all ports.
  6. I have a computer right now that has been running a test sequence from CVI. We wanted to have another program installed that runs a labview program. The computer didnt have a DVD player so I couldn't install labview 8.6, so I installed labview 8.5 (which came on CDs) and saved the program as a previous version. When I opened the labview program and ran the test it displayed garbage out of the com port. I made sure the baud rate and other settings were set up correctly. Only 1 program is ran at once, so the other program is closed when the other is open. I then went to a terminal emulator and tried it manually (while the labview and CVI program was closed) and it did the same thing. It used to work before loading & running the labview program. I know this labview program works on other computers without the CVI on it, I even tried it on another one with the CVI program on it and it did the same thing. The output (even though its garbage) changed format when I manually change the baud rate so it almost looks like there might be 2 programs trying to read from it. Nothing is open and the computers have been rebooted multiple times. I have even uninstalled labview and it still will not want to display manually on a terminal emulator(however the CVI program gets the right output still).... We are unsure if what we are seeing is being caused by... The combination of both programs. Labview being saved to a later version. Has anyone seen this issue or anything like this? Thank you
  7. Has anyone ever disconnected PPP with labview or through a command prompt? I know theres a way in Linux but Im not sure about Windows.
  8. QUOTE (PJM_labview @ Mar 31 2009, 10:36 PM) AHHHHH... THANK YOU!!
  9. If the installer didnt install that then it doesn't have it. How would I put it on there
  10. Is there a way I can do that on a computer without labview?
  11. Hello everyone, I can't seem to figure out this little problem. With my program I have made an installer to transfer it to another computer. I put it on one computer (has an older labview on it), and everything seems to work great. Then I put it on another computer without labview on it and it seems that it wont let me select a com port in my control to a serial connection. The rest of the program works fine... it just wont display the serial output which it needs to make the program function correctly. Is this because the measurement & automation program needs to be installed? Or maybe something else?
  12. QUOTE (Mark Yedinak @ Mar 20 2009, 04:38 PM) Do you happen to have an example of a timer? Maybe a start, stop and reset function?
  13. Hello everyone, I have a statemachine being used to run a sequence of steps that, when completed, will be about 40 minutes long. I am trying to figure out how to impliment a timer function that will act like a stop watch for this whole process. Right now I have it so that at the first step it will capture the current time then at the end it will take that captured time and delete from the new current time which in theory will display the elasped time it took to compete the whole process. Could someone point me in the right direction that could get it so that this can display the time its taking in real time and not just display the time it took once its done. Thanks in advance
  14. No offence taken at all. I am extremely new at this and I am just trying to learn, so I am taking all the pointers I can take. I have scheduled a couple training classes but they start next month. I guess I should have specified exactly what was not working correctly, I applologize. The reason why I have done it this way was because the characters in this terminal act as a tracker to the units activities during the process. What this is ulimately going to be doing is loading software. It streams data out of the serial port extremely fast, so that is why the timing to that loop is set very low. If it was set any higher the data recieved would start backing up... when I turn off the unit, it will still display an output for some time... depending on how long I had the power on. Ill send a few examples of what I have tried but these are to better explain what I am trying to do, I thought when I was doing it that it wouldnt work but I thought I would give it a shot.
  15. When I write a command to the port (in this case "nc") I get a network configurations display instantly out of the same port. I could do the same with different commands and it will display instantly. Normally when we do this manually we use hyperterminal or Teraterm and say for instance we enter "nc d1", it will display the network configurations for device 1, or when we enter "ncs" it will display "network configurations saved". The commands that we are changing will be in the network configurations, so we will need to enter a series of commands... i.e. "nc d1 e 00:00:00:00:00:01" or "nc d6 i 123.456.789.000". After entering each command it will display that device with the setting that it was changed to. Not really sure I know what you mean by controling the flow.
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