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Posts posted by jmtj6009

  1. JustinReina,

    thanks for the advice! I just started looking around at chips but there are quite a bit to choose from. If possible, it would be great if you could provide me the code.

    Also, I'm not quite sure how it would work in the end, but does the microcontroller have an embeded program and oscillator? How would I use to talk to the controller, and what language do you use to program it?

    thanks so much!


  2. How does the IC work and what kind of software/controls would i use with it?

    also, NI has a single controller usb card (USB-6501) which has one counter channel which goes up to 5Mhz. Would it be possible to get a usb hub and plug in 4 of these bad boys and have stability in my signals? This would run me about 400 bucks since its 100/each which is pretty cheap.

    (EDIT: I checked the specs, it doesnt support Pulse Generation, this means i can't send a PWM signal?)


  3. Thanks for the feed back so far,

    I took a look at the M-Series Daq cards from NI,

    I have to control 4 motors independantly but simultaneously, is it possible to do it with any of the M series DAQs? I'm currently Eyeing the NI USB-6210,

    16-Bit, 250 kS/s M Series (Im looking for something USB powered mainly because I only need digital output, and installing a card

    on my motherboard is a bit problematic since there is a sever lack of space in the computer case). I also like the 620 dollar price tag x.x

  4. Hello all,

    This is my first post, i read a few others but couldn't find the answer i needed, and it looks like everyone here has a pretty good opinion on things. I'm trying to use USB-6008/6009 DAQ cards to control the RPM of a electric motor. I want to use the digital output to generate a PWM, but I'm not sure exactly how to control the frequency of the Square Wave I want. So, I have a few questions...

    1) Is it even worth using a USB-6008/6009 DAQ card?

    - If not, whats the cheapest alternative?

    2) I know i have to use the softaware to trigger the output, so I'm limited to how fast the software is going through the itterations, is it possible to get my signal reasonably to 50Hz while still having a descent amount of samples such that I can manipulate the duty cycle?

    3) Has someone already done something similar to this and has code to give me a starting point? I'm in a bit of a jam with time :(. If not, i can try to get something together if it makes it easier for you guys to give me advice.

    Thanks so much for you help!


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