Hi All,
Is there any way to use NI RT PXI Ethernet card for SOMEIP and DOIP or XCP Protocol testing?
How dhcp server configuration happen in PXI RT side?
is anyone already used Automotive Ethernet validation using NI PXI RT platform?
If yes - pl. guide.
Hello All,
I am new to NI XNET and I have developed XNET CAN code on windows PC which works fine.
I want to develop same code on RT Target (PXI-RT)Can anybody tell me which are all steps/Process needs to follow to work on RT XNET?
Is anybody develop XNET CAN code on RT Target?
Is there any Link/topic available on internet which solve my problem?
Thanks in Advance.
Hello All,
I have developed code using Plugin Architecture Concept for Windows system and which works fine.
I want to do it same things for RT Can anybody tell what are all process needs to follow for developing Plug in concept on RT Target?
Is anybody develop plugin concept code on RT Target?
Is there any Link/topic available on internet which solve my problem?
Thanks in advance.
Hi All,
I would like to do some moving averaging on my FPGA based on building the sum of the values to around 200/N data points and then removing the oldest value and adding the newest value that way I'm only needing to acquiring one new point once the data point have reached the 200 limit but I have 16 channels and FPGA does not support 2-D arrays and I can do it with 16 1-d arrays but I don't think there will be enough resources on the FPGA. Anyone have any ideas how i can do this.
I guess the main challenge is having a way to continuously store the last 200 or N points so that I can subtract the oldest value other than a two d array or multiple 1-d arrays. I am trying to do it this way as well so that I don't need to wait each time and acquire 200 or N samples and then averages them each time for a new averaged value.
Kindly let me know if any suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
Hi ,
I have tried but got error while creating array.
can you give me some ref example or link of above mentioned code.
since i am beginner for labview fpga.
Hi all,
i have to create simple summation block using general vi
please find attached snapshot for ref.
in that i want to replace this summation block with general vi logic to deploy in fpga. since fpga don't have summation block.
Request you all please let me know if any suggestion.
The HEX time is in milliseconds and the day of my time was 4 sept 2014.
This is actually a responce from a controller and if i subtract two values i get difference in milliseconds.
Hope it will be usefull
Hi All,
I want to decode a HEX time into System time and need a conversion factor for the same.
The HEX time stamp is : 0F2E3B2D
The approx system time is : 12:29:44.419 PM
Hi Guys,
I am trying to convert millisecond time in (hex format) to current time and vise verse. I had created a VIs for the same but it doesn't work. Please help.
Attached my VIs for your reference.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi all,
I want to convert .mp3 format audio file in to .wav format audio file
and read .wav audio file data and need to write audio date in to DAQ channel.
please help
Thanks in advance.