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Posts posted by Xploit

  1. Hi guys,

    Wow Mark, it's exactly what I needed ... marvellous !

    I will use the right-click option because my knobs will be pretty small and a left-click zone won't be easy to use.

    You were right, it's a little bit difficult to see how it works. I don't see what is needed to run it basically with just the modified knob. Indeed the two tabs show one knob working.

    The result I would like to have on my FP is, of course, what we see on the FP code tab.

    The xcontrol tab and its content may not be necessary ?

    Using the xctl file directly shows a frame and numeric indicator ...

    I'm trying to understand how I can modify the Knobs I already have with your excellent trick. It might be possible since in the FPcode case, there is a "classic" knob control...

    I will study it more precisely, anyway thanks for your help, it is exactly what I needed.

    Best regards.

  2. Hi,

    Yes I know that it's a complex knob but the device I have to simulate has that kind of knobs. It's used in the avionics to determine if a channel can be listened to or not...

    The user of the application will know how this bullshit works xD.

    Why would there be two DBLs and a boolean for the output ? I was rather thinkinf of one U8 (values only from 0x0..ff) and a boolean to return the pushed/released state.

    Because for now i have to use one push button (boolean) in combination besides a classic knob.

    I will check out what is this Xcontrol thing. Sorry I'm a neophyte so don't hesitate to tell me all the things that seem obvious to you.

  3. Hi guys,

    I would like to know if there already exists a library of labview controls somewhere...

    Because I would need a knob button that could be pushed/released in addition to its regular features...

    What is the best way to proceed if a library of such controls doesn't exist ?

    Thanks in advance,

    best regards.

  4. Hmm yeah, I checked these read values and semmed to be ok ... but it's not so important because I put this value just to see if there was a different color at a point in the String. I tried with a lot of different values.

    Listbox seems to be great for this purpose... I will check it out !

    Thanks for your help guys.

    PS: Sorry for the late answer, I did put this feature aside for a moment and worked on the rest of my project.

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