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Everything posted by ccmf.sun

  1. I solved my problem in making a hardware to extract the signal from theRS232 and export it to the trigger entries of the digitizer and of the AWG. Best regards, Fabrice.
  2. Dear all, To begin, I give you the hardware I have : PXI 1044 PXI 8106 PXI 5142 (Digitizer) PXI 5441 (AWG) I use the serial port to send commands to external hardware. In the same time I have to generate a signal with the AWG and to run an acquisition on the digitizer. My problem is to send a trigger signal to these two hardware when I send the write command on the serial port. Is it possible to send this kind of signal from the controller on RTSi lines? Best regards, Fabrice. PS: sorry for my english.
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