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Everything posted by Feri

  1. Hi, My purpose is to see on PC display the picture of Network display and save its data on PC for the 2 different channels and its basics configuration parameters. I can assign the start and stop frequency, but not for power, how can I assign the power. Thank you. Feri ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  2. Hi, Thank you. I installed the driver, and there are some examples. How can I find more examples. Feri +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++===
  3. Hi, I am looking for a VI file for HP8714B RF Network Analyzer that has the following features: GPIB Interface. Simple MMI: *- Control the device functions: *- Sweeping frequency at constant power. *- Sweeping power at constant frequency. *- Record the results from screen for 2 channels (ASCII). Thank you. Feri
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