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About memoryleak

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    6th floor of NI Austin building C

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    LabVIEW 8.6
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  1. There's an App VI for that EDIT: Forgive me for being an idiot, I forgot some places use commas how I use decimals Try scaling your number by say, 100 (if you want two decimal places) and then doing two individual conversions to hex. Sadly I think you might have to do the sign with an additional operation/comparison. Additionally, if you want the raw hex from the number encoded as floating point, you can type cast it to a similarly wide data type (like U64) and do the conversion to hex using that number. Hugs, memoryleak
  2. Absolutely! These guys did it, but replace "switch" with "fireworks" I don't know what exactly they did, but if I were to do it I think Id: 1) Capture sound from the mic port of your computer in small sample chunks 2) Filter all the frequencies out that I didn't care about 3) Trigger off that Alternatively, 1) Capture sound from the mic port of your computer in small sample chunks 2) FFT 3) Trigger off specific frequencies in that Heck, if you made a youtube account and messaged them about your project, I'll bet they'd even email you the VI they used Edit: They have a blog, see "Beat Detection Method" under their July 3rd post for links. http://waterloolabs.blogspot.com/ Hugs, memoryleak
  3. This is absolutely correct! Floating point is dirty I couldn't remember which side of the word the sign bit was on, so I used the rather helpful table here: http://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/coding/ieeefloat.html I've never used the in-place structure (*gasp* ?), but converting your floating point to an integer is not a single operation (that I know of... maybe there's some crazy opcode for it). I was able to bang out something that did this with a few ANDs, an OR, a multiply (which is just a sign change, so could be replaced with an XOR and an increment), a few increments and a few shifts. Don't forget the extra floating point add of 0.5 to the beginning if you care about rounding (Also, I saved myself the headache of dealing with special numbers like NaN, denorm, etc that you might or might not have to consider) While technically this takes a 32bit number (single) and produces a 32 bit number (i32), there are so many intermediate values that I have no idea if it actually works "in place". It probably doesn't help that I have no feel for how well that structure works. Does it count if I only have one input and one output to my structure ? (And does it matter if I place constants on the inside or outside?) If this is of any interest (and the whole thing isn't broken by the additional N-1 pointer words) I'll happily clean this into something human readable Hugs, memoryleak
  4. I don't know what the "official" word is, but here are some thoughts from a hardware design perspective. They may not be good reasons, and they may not even necessarily be correct. 1) There are requirements on how much power we're allowed to draw from a PXI slot (I'm unsure how it compares to power from a PCI slot, but I would assume it is more because some PCI/PCIe cards require an extra power plug that their PXI cousins do not). Additionally, there are requirements on the chassis as to how much power they *must* be able provide to us. This means that when you drop $10k for a brand spankin new top-of-the-line oscope, you know that you wont have to worry about whether or not the overburdened power supply in your dusty 5 year old dev machine can handle it. 2) There are some requirements as to how much cooling each slot in a PXI chassis will get, whereas PCI slots are more of a crapshoot. It's possible to design a computer tower to have a rediculous amount of cooling for your PCI slots, but more likely you have an 80mm fan or two nowhere near your cards. Some devices, like high resolution DMMs, are heavily affected by the ambient temperature. 3) I'm pretty sure PXI is slightly wider, allowing for more space for components and such. 4) You can buy an 18 slot PXI chassis. Just try and find a motherboard with 18 PCI slots 5) RTSI cables are great for synchronization, but I believe there is a limit (due to signal integrity) of how many devices you can chain together. I'm also pretty sure that limit is less than 18. I'm sure there are more reasons than this, but these came to mind. That said, I currently own two NI PCIe cards and I love them to bits. Hugs, memoryleak Full disclosure: I'm sitting at my desk on the 6th floor of NI building C right now. P.S. surely there is a way to tag myself as being someone who is "drinking the koolaid"
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