Dear All,
I am facing one problem in selecting the Hardware,can anybody support me,
This is regarding DAQ Solution(cFP) for Measurement of Temperature,Voltage,Current,Active Power,Reactive Power,Power Factor and Frequency for a Motor Requirement is that, Measurement and Monitoring of Temperature,Voltage,Current,Active Power,Reactive Power,Power Factor and Frequency for a Motor 1)12 RTD Inputs(PT 100 Sensors)2)3 Current(From 3 CT's) ,3 Voltage(From 3 PT's) [From these 6 Parameters,Active Power,Reactive Power,Power Factor,Frequency we have to derive anna] Hardware which i have selected is attached,please find the attachment..RTD Module which i have selelcted is ok,but i have one doubt in AI Module Selection, I selected AI 100 Module(8 Channel(Both V,I).12 bit,360 S/s[in this i have one doubt,i.e.360 Samples that to per channel or 360 Samples per 8 channels?) for taking 3 Voltage Signals from PT's and 3 Current Signals from CT's)If we install and take signals from Motor,in reality harmonics(Max if we consider 8th Harmonic Components [8*50=400 Hz will be signal Freq]) will come into picture,For finding frequency(From V,I wave shapes),atleast (5 Fs i.e.5*400=2kS/s i have to take right,correct me sir if i am wrong..) Why we want this system is,currently,we are using Yokogava Power Analyzer for finding Voltage,Current,Active Power,Reactive Power,Power Factor and Frequency,But RTD it cant..,So we need total System with RTD SIgnals and above parameters to be monitored in a host PC without any Power Analyzer,i.e.our measurement system should be independent of Yokogava Power Analyzer.Again one problem is that Yokogava is giving Accuracy 0.02% in the measurement of Power,so ,which Module shall i go for?) So,inorder to make measurement without Analyzer,inorder to get better accuracy,which configuration shall i go for sir,kindly help me in this concern, Regards,Bujjin