grab the image
find the center of object
detection the object and estimate it T OR Flase
capture the double-click , save the defect ones
First grab the real-time image, Second find the center , 3, detection, If the object is defect, then the image will show in the defect display control. If i want to save the defect object, capture the double-click the defect image, and save it. But i find the save image is the same as the real-time image, not the defect one. And I put a display control in the event structure, it show the real-time image
But in event structure, I use the varaible of defect display control. So i am confused
Then I think in the application, I am not using IMAQ Creat .VI to open a memory for the defect image , so the defect image save incorrectly. But I creat the memory for the defect image, the result is the same as the previously