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Dan Bookwalter N8DCJ

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Posts posted by Dan Bookwalter N8DCJ

  1. Gribo

    OK , i will look into reducing resolution , I should be ok with that ...




    EDIT: GRIBO , i went to 4.5 resolution and i get the timing I need... i will have to make sure that the resolution is good , but , i guess i really dont have much choice .... this system is currently running by a program that was written in C++ , but we dont have the source code , and we need to get it converted to LV so we can add more types of units as needed ...


  2. I have an application where i need to scan up to 16 channels at 10Hz , using a 16 channel multiplexer card 34902A.


    i have tried a few simple things and am not close the 10 Hz , i saw somewhere either on here or NI.com about buffering , but , for the life of me i cant find it again.

    edit: i started with the advanced scan example.

    So , how do you set up buffering , and poll the instrument at regular intervals ?

    i did all the configuring outside of the while loop , and only triggered and read (into a queue) in the DAQ loop , but , it seems as though i am still a little shy of the 10Hz.


    Any pointers ?



  3. OK , i am looking into using TDMS , but , i am struggling to get it to work how i envisioned. I know i am missing something , i am very tired been up for 1.5 days (travelling) ...

    anyway , i like the idea of the meta data aspect vs a text file...

    what i am looking to do is write 350-400 data points per second , for this particular test it is basically 10 rows x 35 or so columns...

    i have mocked up some simulated data etc... when i try to write the 10 rows , it is very slow ... if i write all 216000 rows at once after the data , it is very fast , however , this test will run 12-18 hours , so i do not want to wait until the end to write the data ...

    if someone could point me in the right direction that would be great.



  4. I may be in need of a dedicated serial adapter , the NI ones are super expensive , but , if it was up to me thats what I would buy...

    So , does anyone have any recommendations .... you can find them anywhere from $20 to $600

    obviously it needs to interface with NI-MAX , although I am sure they all would..


  5. I have found myself needing to use PID (probably just PI) , for this project I am using LV 2012 Pro , but it either didnt come with any of the PID stuff or it wasnt installed. Either way I cant install any toolkits as we have a dozen or so stands all over the world all with the exact same harware and software.

    I was hoping somebody had a PID vi they wouldnt mind sharing. just trying to save time rather than roll my own etc... this will not be part of anything that will be sold or marketed , all internal use...



  6. 4 hours ago, Jordan Kuehn said:

    Office 365 gave me many headaches in the past. Additionally updates would change the ActiveX interfaces breaking compatibility unless you reloaded and recompiled. I would typically try to purchase a single seat permanent license for a particular test stand and not use the IT software. Not sure if that is an option for you.


    I actually started down this path today wth a production test setup , it will likely be the easiest most painless option

    18 hours ago, Gribo said:


    ActiveX (And the .NET API) should work with Office365.


    I briefly looked into this , but , and it would be a bunch of extra work , which is fine , until our company finds out it is installed , then they may have serious issues ....

    I was also thinking today we have test setups around the world , most do not have Excel , but a few do , so asking them to move to another spreadsheet platoform may casue even more headaches especially since a few are military ...

    OOTH who is in this thread knows what I am referring to regarding corporate policies and trying to do non-standard thinkgs ... I already push their policies to the limit in a few cases...

    So i think I will explore the single seat license , we did it once for another project , so hopefully it wont be an issue again ...

    Thanks for the input everyone...



  7. Has anyone ported any code using ActiveX from Excel 2016 to 365 , is it seamless ? somehow i figure it isnt... to be honest I know nothign about 365.

    I have several apps that rely heavily on Excel 2016 , I cant use the report generation stuff since some of the machines do not have LabVIEW (2019) Pro only base or full.

    unfortunatly I cant rely on IT to warn me when they are going to switch ... 



  8. Before I go down this road of a vision I have to make things easier for the engineers to write their own procedures .... I figured I would ask here first...

    What I would like to be abe to do is have a Tab control with different functions per tab , then let the user be able to drag and drop an "Icon" so to speak to the listbox,table etc... then I can pop up the user input screen for that particular function. Note , when I say function , i mean things that relate to testing , not , functions from the pallettes etc...


  9. Ok on all  , well I will let them battle it out with NI over licenses .... o in the mean time...

    I have 60 inputs and 15 outputs I need to deal with ....

    What is the best/easiest way to realize say a 10hz scan rate , which methodology would be recommended?

    I threw some stuff together today just to see if I could get readings , I was able to , but , way too slow ... as I figured , I dropped a bunch of I/O nodes for a couple of the modules on the block diagram , connected some indicators and ran it. with only 25% of the channels I ultimately need to scan , I got maybe 1 Hz.

    the one module requires FPGA , I figured I would try to do it all in FPGA mode , rather than Hybrid , not sure which approach I should...

    Looking for guidance ...


    p.s. I am going to start looking at what examples I can find now ....

  10. Ok after spending 2 hours today with NI support , it appears we will have to buy a RT license as we do not have one... if we do it is from an NI Developer Suite from 2014 or 15 I think , and I doubt that will work with our LV 2021 and FPGA 2021.

    I hope someone can answer this question for me , we bought a perpetual FPGA license , my assumtion , is that means the license will work on all future versions of FPGA , and , that we need (or highly advised) to get an RT perpetual license if such a thing exists.

    NI did extend my RT evaluation by 2 weeks so I can at least work on it until work decides what they are going to do , although the solution seems simple to me. accounting may think differently.


  11. Ok , after reading some of the cRIO dev guide , the Current Value Table looked like it might be somethign I could use , i downloaded everything vi JKI PM , everythign installed fine. But it doesnt show up anywhere. is this a RT only componenet ? I only have the FPGA Module license , they didnt buy a RT Module. I need to start hitting this hard so , any advise is appreciated.



  12. Ok , I am not sure if such a device exists ... but here is what my ideal need is...

    What I am looking for is something that I can run on the remote PC when I am connected , such that I need to click a button every pre-determined amount of time , say 30 minutes , if I don't it can reset at least two, AC receptacles (120v,20A each). It needs to be USB or serial as I cannot , per corporate policy have a second ethernet port on the PC , there is no way around this.

    I prefer an out of box solution and not a home brew device. If needed (not preferred) I can always fire a contactor with the output of the watchdog device.

    Suggestions ?


  13. Jordan


    Thanks for the info ... 

    The HMI is LabVIEW , and yes my plan is to just expose the the data to the HMI and let the processing take place there , as I can forsee limits and scaling changing often , I currently load all of that via an excel spreadsheet to a SQLite DB.

    I will look into shared variables and the streams.



  14. Ok , I had higher priorities than this project , but , now I an back on it...

    So , i have established communication with an AI module and can read a voltage. My question is , do I have to use sharded variables ? one of the examples i saw online was using shared variables to communicate between the cRIO and the HMI vi.

    My plan was have the cRIO take the data only and pass it to the HMI type vi to do processing and displaying , set AO and DIO.

    I was going to use a seperate while loop for each "function" , such as AI , AO , DI ,DO as I saw thatit is more efficient that way.

    I am goign to start lookign into this type of architecture and see where I go wrong.



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