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Everything posted by bimbone

  1. Sorry Crelf, I have LabVIEW 8.5 could you reload it in that version? thanks, Marco
  2. you'll find my program everything here http://lavag.org/topic/11153-software-problem-or-converter-rs-485/ that has some mistakes but it worksif you want the program with the corrections I will reload it
  3. This is the error that returns labview Error 1 occurred at scan from file (arg 18) Good observation! but I did not put spaces Crelf how can I get your examples? I send you a private message or email?
  4. I write and read directly into a folder called "machines" and is in c: \ Tomorrow I send you the specific problem, as it gives labview, currently I have no windows in Finnish, I have only reported the problem. I was only reported the problem. tanks, Marco
  5. Hallo! I created the executable of my VI and everything works fine if installed on Windows in Italian, while on Windows in Finnish does not work. The error that returns: unable to read and write files in a folder that is on C: \ The path that I use are constant and I copied the folder in C: \ make sure there is write protected. Maybe when I run the application using the system folders of different name? Maybe I should change labview.ini? thanks, Marco
  6. thanks for response with the changes that we has strongly recommended works. now it is about four hours without stopping working if something happens i will you know. thanks, Marco
  7. this is the software, sub vi and folder macchine that copy in c:\ thank you sorry, i forgot attach the file programma.zip
  8. Hello Boy! I am italian, sorry for my english... I have a big problem and I do not know how to fix it. Using LabVIEW 8.5 My program is for the management of machines voltage regulators, i communicate with them via a USB-RS485 on Modbus, The questions I wished them and so far no problem. stores data in a spreadsheet excel and do extensive use of blocks "read from measurement file" and "write to measurement file" about 30 times that i frequently rewrite about once every 2 seconds. Now I go to my problem: after that the software go regularly he stops suddenly. No longer works in labview converter but I do not return any error message or something. At this point I press the stop button and i restart the program and everything starts, until a new stop. My fault, software, or the converter?? thank all
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