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    LabVIEW 2009
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  1. Norm, Thanks for the tip. Now my insipient Alzhiemers doesn't seem quite so bad. By the way, just a tip you may want to pass along for some newcomers. On my computer the create commands seemed to be very hit or miss some reason. I finally figured out that the command only executes if I approach a terminal from inside the icon. Even though the wiring tool pops up from either direction, nothing happens when I approach it from the outside. Odd, at least to me. Of course all of this is black magic anyway. Take care, Dave
  2. Hi Norm, I got the 2001 package working and it just cracks me up! I had a question for you about the Show Commands list. I would like to create just a subset of the Freaking Fast Drop selections, and print them to a hard copy cheat sheet but I will be darned if I can figure out a way to get the list so I can edit it. If I try a screen copy, it just doesn't show for some strange reason, and if I open any other program like word so I hand type the list, it just disappears, even on a two monitor setup. Is it possible to export just a text version of the list? Thanks, Dave PS Hal is very happy. He loves telling me NO.
  3. Hi Norm, I hate to say this, but for some reason I can't get the last Space Oddyssey plug in to load. I get the zip and unzip it ok. But the unzipped file doesn't come up as .ogp and doesn't open the VIPM when I click it. I tried adding the directory straight from VIPM but that doesn't work either. But the rest of the tool is great and I appreciate the 2001 effort! Thanks again, Dave
  4. Norm, Just wanted to say thanks! The LVSpeak is awesome. Freaking Fast Drop has a few glitches on my machine but about 95% is working and that is huge. I only have two complaints: I have gained ten pounds with the order pizza command and there is no mental RAM download for old guys like me that can't remember all the commands. It is funny to see this working. I can remember seeing a show almost thirty five years ago and they predicted that they would have something like this working in the next few years. I saw the same thing every couple of years thereafter. I guess the definition of "few" has changed a bit over the decades. My carpal tunnel and I thank you again. Take care and happy coding! Dave
  5. Hi Norm, I ran that tinyurl for the SAPI but still have nothing flying for some reason. I may just wipe everything and give it a fresh shot. Thanks for your time! Dave
  6. Hi Norm, It turns out that in Office 2007 all the speech recognition functions will not work with XP. Here is the blurb from Microsoft: Note You can use speech recognition in Microsoft Office 2003 and 2002 programs in Windows XP. Versions of Microsoft Office programs that are earlier than Office 2002 do not support speech recognition. Windows XP does not support speech recognition in 2007 Microsoft Office programs. So apparently the good folks at MS don't give the option to install the speech engine at all in my configuration. I am trying to figure out how to get another engine or see if I can install an older version of Office. Thanks for your help, Dave
  7. Hi Norm, I am having a problem with the install on LVSpeak. I am running XP and LV2009. I worked through your video, got the three downloads and rebooted. I took the LV links from this Lava site, but for some reason none of the speech tools are coming up in either Control Panel or LV. I did do the Run option when I downloaded all the software. I took a look at Microsoft to see about the speech recognition engine in case it was a problem and took a stab at that as well but got nowhere. One thing that I did notice that differed from your video was that when I did the two LVSpeak downloads, niether started an install so I just downloaded them to a directory and unzipped them. I did do the Run option when I downloaded them. I am certain that I missed something very basic but can't seem to figure it out. Have you got any suggestions? Sorry to bother you. Thanks, Dave
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