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  1. MAX 5.0 saved my life ... or at least my project ...

  2. sweet ... so i'm NOT crazy ....
  3. Has anyone ever seen the front panels of seemingly random vis open while compiling an RT to run? I am developing a large Windows Host/PXI RT system, and when I click "Run" on my RT Main as my code compiles some of the front panels open. I don't believe its related to "Show when called" options in VI Properties ... I've got an SR open on this, but I'm trying to figure out the cleanest way to get the code to NI so they can see it ... I'm not sure if a subset of my code will do it or not ....
  4. don't worry ... it doesn't get REALLY embarrassing to till you realize why you violated dataflow while on the phone with NI raving like a lunatic and opening up an SR ... not that I've done that ...
  5. I'm inclined to agree with you on balancing the requirements. I fully understand that in a perfect world a xcontrol is probably the most correct solution. However, with any "customer" there is the right way and there is the way that meets there requirements. case in point ... i have a particular customer that LOVES using VXI ... lord knows why ... I know PXI is a better choice for what they want to do ... but I have to work with what I'm given ... no matter how badly I want to slap them ....
  6. yeah, when we were prepping for the exam, our conclusion was that the example with the XControl was completely pointless. I understand they have tons of usefulness, and I hope to get into them in the very near future, but for the CLA ... well, i know I passed and I didn't use one. In fact, I can think of at least 5 CLA's who I know passed without using XControls. Chances are if you know what you are doing and can make one fast enough you'll get some kudos from the grader for using one. I was debating using LVClasses on my exam for that same reason, plus I love LVClasses ... but opted not to.
  7. Well, I'll be contact Geoff very shortly to get my XXL shirt. Next stop, CLA Summit. Be nice to be in Austin in the winter for once instead of the summer. I think Texas is about the only place I'd rather NOT be in the middle of summer ... as compared to Iowa ...
  8. so, surprisingly enough ... the stars aligned myself and a coworker both passed our exams :beer_mug: it was very interesting reading the results, as we both attempted some different things. We both had focused on and practiced building our architectures from scratch multiple times ... that was key. I stayed really high level on the requirements, mainly satisfying them by putting in additional states in my QSM and putting in lots of notes of where stuff would happen and what it would do. Some people had advised me to do LOTS of shell VIs with just the ins and outs defined .... i didn't do that very much. Coming out of it I felt like I did not have enough actual coded detail in my exam, and they would not think I had actually satisfied the requirements I said I had (note ... i actually got done and had "satisfied" and included every requirement tag in the code somewhere). There were some of my requirements that were not covered to the graders satisfaction, but for the most part they felt I had excellent req coverage ... i was stunned .... either way, its over, the certificate is on the wall, and I have a year and a half or so before I have to start worrying about the recert ... By the way, does anyone else feels its dumb that NI only offers CLD/CLA shirts in sizes up to XL? i feel cheated ... all that work, and all i get is a shirt i can't wear ....
  9. took the CLA last week ... now waiting until I get my results so I can schedule the retest ...

  10. Took the CLA Exam last week. I felt that it was very similar to the practice exam (translation ... really similar ). Its strange .. I think there were actually LESS requirements (relatively speaking, like 50 instead of 60 for example) but I think the actual exam overall was quite a bit harder. Eitherway, I'm anxiously anticipating getting my results back so I can schedule my next attempt at it. I'm curious, how are other people preparing for the CLA, besides of course the sample exam? One of our CLA's here had us focus first on our architecture, and at being able to code up something simple enough to do quickly, but capable enough to meet the requirements of the exam. Once we had done that a couple of times and submitted it for review, we did NI sample CLA exam, and then after that we did a sample exam that Rob created for us to try as well. Focusing on an architecture up front really helped. Most important was understanding the most people will want to GREATLY overcomplicate the code they right for the test. Moral .. . K.I.S.S. ...
  11. is not a fan of TS3.5 ....

  12. so i discovered something over the weekend. i am having a pig of a time getting the JKI Right Click Framework to work properly on my computer. Its hit or miss if my hot key activation is registered. I think there is something a little weird going on with my system, and that is keeping me from using it. I wonder if I can blame this one on Dell? if anyone else sees this problem, please let me know.
  13. I actually have a co-worker who is running into the same problem. Windows 7 64 bit on a laptop. LV Speak does not work on his laptop natively, but if he runs a VM it seems to work. Thoughts?
  14. I think i'm going to write off being able to use LVSpeak on this laptop. I have tried changing the default microphone, turned off speech recognition, and nothing seems to help. i'm sure somewhere down the road someone will figure this out, and i'll be oh so happy then! Thanks for your help!
  15. norm, yeah, i was holding down the ctl key, and i can get the QE window to open. when i have speach recognition turned on in windows, i can get random windows voice commands to work with labview, but nothing in the LVSpeak realm ... i can't seem to get windows to allow labview to take the commands. when i watch the block diagram, i don't ever see any speech fire off the event structure. however, if i say "create control" or "create anything" i get the VI Revision window opening up and asking me to put in comments on the latest revision of the current VI i'm working in.
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