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Everything posted by Porras

  1. Hi, all. I have a problem with adding and deleting child objects in the 3D Picture Control. Imagine you have a parent object, and you want to display alternatively several child objects that depend on that parent object. Every time I want a change, I apply "Remove Object" from the parent object to delete the one I don't want to display and "Add Object" to add the other one I want to be shown this time in the 3D Picture Control. But this doesn't seem to work. I send a sample code (LV 8.6). First of all you have the initialization: every object is defined and given an object reference. Secondly, you define the first state, depending on the value of a selector (ring control). The third part of the sequence is the main loop, where objects are displayed. Additionally, you have an event structure that detects any value change in the ring control and makes the objects swap. But there is always an "invalid reference" error in the second change. Why? Thank you very much, Francisco Selección de objetos.vi
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