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LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 2009
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  1. I have a sensor that calculates both pressure and vacuum. When I caliberated the sensor I received different slopes and offset for pressure and vacuum respectively. I have a certain sequence of solenoid states and I have to measure the pressure and vacuum flow rate. Sequence for ex: Step 1) Solenoid 1 (pressure state), the system will go from 0psi to 32psi. Start the timer at 10psi and stop the timer at 32psi and based on time calculate flow rate. Step 2) Solenoid 1 (vacuum state), 32psi to -10psi. Start the timer at 10psi and stop the timer at -10psi and calculate vacuum flow rate. Step 3) Solenoid 2 and so on Issues: 1) How do I apply different scaling?. I read the voltage using DAQ read and if its < 1.16 I need vaccum scaling and if not pressure scaling. Should I use some property node to implement it. 2) How can I implement the timer. I would really appreciate if someone could direct me. Thanks
  2. Hi, I am a newbie in using Labview and I looked at few examples, video tutorial and links from NI in learning the basics on Labview environment and using DAQmx. I created a task in MAX with a name pressure_tester and I used DAQmx assitant block in my VI. How do I invoke the created task from MAX in my VI environment. I also looked at the acquired voltage reading on USB6218 channel 0 and for somereason instead reading 0.2V (which is voltage offset from MPXH6400A) I read 1.2V. There is a 1V offset which I am not sure how i am getting it. I also would like to know how to implement some transfer function as given in the pressure sensor datasheet(not linear scaling) to convert the acquired volatege to pressue in PSI. Please not some advice. Thanks
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