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Status Updates posted by Fab

  1. RT @DEeditor: ... and it can dance. ETH Zurich joins its cuttlefish-like robot on stage dancing to Surfin' USA. http://t.co/Q5iS1J9nyF

  2. RT @DEeditor: GE's Salvo: I'm here to pronounce the end of the Information Age. It's not enough to have data. What you need are systems. #N…

  3. RT @delacorllc: "@Fabiola31416 #NIweek tip, register for sessions you want #LabVIEW @NIglobal" register for Delacor team sessions https://…

  4. RT @delacorllc: @RoebuckChris teaching "5 tips to bring order to your development chaos" at the CLD Summit #LabVIEW @niukie http://t.co/L4Y…

  5. RT @delacorllc: Amped to see DQMH mentioned in the keynote at the European CLD Summit #LabVIEW @niukie http://t.co/nRUkVhuX6W

  6. RT @delacorllc: Curious to see how we work with some of our customers? See Fab and Duncan's presentation @ 3:30 PM room 19A Wednesday #LabV…

  7. RT @delacorllc: Don't miss Chris' Don't Panic: #LabVIEW Developer's Guide to #TestStand Thursday, August 6     2:00 PM  Room 16B #NIweek #D…

  8. RT @delacorllc: Don't miss TS6421 - Chris' Don't Panic: #LabVIEW Developer's Guide to #TestStand Thursday, August 6     2:00 PM  Room 16B #…

  9. RT @delacorllc: Excellent recap check out part1. Can't wait for part 2. NI Week 2014 Highlights - Buzzwords Galore http://t.co/OIUsYtn3Q9 v…

  10. RT @DesruelleLuc: Un tutoriel français "comment apprendre à utiliser LabVIEW" sur https://t.co/hX0uA9ppZm https://t.co/kt4zKKHH1Q

  11. RT @dnatt: @Fabiola31416 @NIglobal I showed them how to do it with this Darren's Nugget: http://t.co/NEL33ZEZ5Q

  12. RT @dnatt: Changing #LabVIEW subVI output values at run-time, independent of what the subVI actually does? Yes, please! http://t.co/rCTQFiW…

  13. RT @dnatt: Oh yeah, NaN doesn't equal NaN. Forgetting that bit of #LabVIEW trivia just cost me 30 minutes of debugging. https://t.co/qIxcnr…

  14. RT @eyesonvis: Wow, NI products helping to improve everyday life! A new helmet that could reduce injuries and save lives. #NIWeek

  15. RT @gregory_payne: LabVIEW AF can be tricky to debug but using 'Suspend when called' saves the day every time https://t.co/tqEUDvI9zu @Roeb…

  16. RT @hooovahh: Ladies of NI Week at the LAVA BBQ #niweek http://t.co/1x1h9OrV9d

  17. RT @Icanfindjeremy: Private karaoke room with 20 engineers is the best night ever

  18. RT @illogicalfrog: It may not seem obvious to some but remote working gives massive advantages to finding and retaining talent. https://t.c…

  19. RT @jamesmc86: Great article, also a good way to think about hiring consultants - http://t.co/5rJlpTzANS

  20. RT @JeffreyHabets: Explanation of classes on FPGA on a napkin.. Post #clasummit after party. :-) http://t.co/cnIGvFiDH1

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