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Status Updates posted by Fab

  1. Mike Bailey shows LVOOP and how easy is to add functionality #CLASummit

  2. Stephen Mercer has posted Priority Queues implementation #LabVIEW code @ http://t.co/NLGV4WDk and are used in Actor Framework #CLASummit

  3. #CLASummit delicious dinner and #LabVIEW talk last night. Getting ready for day 2. Good luck to those taking the recertification exam today

  4. Great HAL #LVOOP Exercise led by @Symbio at #CLASummit Europe 2012. I love these discussions!

  5. #CLASummit too complex system might be a symptom of not using the right tools.

  6. #clasummit Francis Griffiths, VP Europe talks about NI reaching 1B mark, he started using #LabVIEW 1.2. @brianhpowell in the room (LV 0?)

  7. Interesting article. Same applies to #LabVIEW RT apps too. Software: The Brains Behind the Medical Device | Qmed: http://t.co/LqzTunrO

  8. The device is in use in Europe since 2009. US will wait FDA 2013!! Boston Scientific to Acquire Cameron Health | Qmed: http://t.co/v1dY0spr

  9. Thanks for all CLAs who came and shared their knowledge and time. It was a great #CLASummit, see you at #NIWeek and/or next year!

  10. Managing #LabVIEW reusable code with #JKI #VIPM and vipc files #CLASummit @jkisoftware

  11. Stephen Mercer said that code word for AE support for Actor Framework is "cucumber" #CLASummit

  12. Mike Bailey brings a light show to his MVC for the avg LabVIEW user #CLASummit

  13. If you want to present at #CLASummit 2013 contact Rob Humfeld from Jetinc

  14. Great way to end the first day of #CLASummit with the father of #LabVIEW at Salt Lick BBQ (thanks for the smuggled veggie sandwiches ;) )

  15. Michael Lacasse clears the MVC muddy waters #CLASummit

  16. Michael Klessens introduces Dynamic UI driven by data source #CLASummit

  17. Norm just explained how to #LabVIEW app instances by name instead of port via VI Server options #CLASummit

  18. #CLASummit begins in less than one week. I can't wait to get together with my #LabVIEW friends :-)

  19. "@jkisoftware: Check Out Latest Instrumentation Newsletter and Be a LabVIEW Bug Exterminator http://t.co/RJJae5de" I'm in it! Thanks JKI!

  20. "@eyesonvis: And it looks like I'll be presenting at the upcoming CLA Summit! On the previously-mentioned-you-can't-miss-it feature" Awesome

  21. Continuing to toot my own horn: Community: LabVIEW Champions: 2012 LabVIEW Champion Inductees | Nine New Members!: http://t.co/cXJAEJ5i via

  22. Want to know how an icon looks to a color blind person: vischeck.com

  23. And this was the other big annoumcement: I am a New LabVIEW Champions http://t.co/wNzGNXMx

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