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Status Updates posted by Fab

  1. Tooting my own horn: December 2011 Member of the Month: http://t.co/61IFkKak via, there will be another cool announcement soon :)

  2. Awesome #LabVIEW Architects Forum meeting tonight. I will have to look more into #.NET uses in LabVIEW

  3. COOL! Community: Evan Prothro's Blog: Simple, Sexy #LabVIEW Timing Probes: http://t.co/z8c5wzI4 via @AddThis

  4. Great book to get started with OO: 'Object-Oriented Thought Process, The (3rd Edition)' by Matt A. Weisfeld http://t.co/8vs9gtAx via @amazon

  5. "1 visionary + 3 launchers + 1,500 employees = ?" - I know they use #LabVIEW a lot http://t.co/tP5HnvZH via @AirSpaceMag

  6. FDA approval takes too long! Artificial Pancreas Could Revolutionize Diabetes Care, If FDA Will Allow It | Qmed: http://t.co/l2hzJEYb

  7. Find tips you might not know about: Clever Debugging Techniques for Every #LabVIEW Developer - Developer Zone - NI: http://t.co/EkrDOQ5S

  8. Reposting AristosQueue's Error Cluster: http://t.co/Ep4pO21Q For those who couldn't open the original link.

  9. Just saw #AristosQueue demo his Error Cluster for #LabVIEW 2011, pretty cool stuff http://t.co/Ep4pO21Q. Check it out!

  10. If you plan to attend the European CLA Summitt March 19 -20 2012, make sure to vote on topic: http://t.co/i5idqr4w

  11. Jack Dunaway Achieves “Certified LabVIEW Architect” Distinction http://t.co/vle71jMS via @jkisoftware

  12. Abbott's Bioresorbable Stent: Another Case of Innovation vs. FDA. Available for Europe-2012 - in USA-2015!!! | Qmed: http://t.co/zZvpouSc

  13. Smartphone ultrasound device launches commercially http://t.co/J7g02Hkh

  14. National Instruments Is Leading a Quiet Technological Revolution - Forbes http://t.co/7sVNJn12

  15. Cool app! Feels like sci fi. Patient takes pill, it reports back on findings. LabVIEW used to test. http://t.co/Citvvx5d via @jkisoftware

  16. It is raining in Austin, TX and vicinity. It is real! First decent rain since May! :) our rain water collection tank is happy too :)

  17. #CLAs, if you haven't voted for #CLASummit2012 - Topic. Do it now. Voting closes on Sat, Oct 15 http://t.co/rWvRoowP #LabVIEW

  18. Call for CLA Summit 2012 topic ideas: http://t.co/rWvRoowP - Summit will be March 5 - 7

  19. “@BlackBeltVIs: @eyesonvis I think a more intuitive solution would be to add another System Boolean ctl that's neither Ok nor Cancel" agreed

  20. “@jkisoftware: New JKI Blog Post: Don't Throw Away Your "Throw-Away" Code http://t.co/nEOMpGl”very well said-thanks Jack

  21. Texas fire activity map: http://t.co/gLx3p0d please rain soon!

  22. Patient's Lifesaving Donor Heart Arrives 'Warm and Beating' Inside Experimental Device | Qmed http://t.co/1hAejpE

  23. Physicist cuts plane boarding time in half -airlines haven't listened, why believe the math ;)http://t.co/3x3h0Zu via @cnet

  24. New EMG sensors - Tattoo-like Electronic Patch Comfortably Bends and Stretches | Qmed http://t.co/EDZEGOm

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