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Status Updates posted by Fab

  1. RT @DEeditor: GE's Salvo: I'm here to pronounce the end of the Information Age. It's not enough to have data. What you need are systems. #N…

  2. #LabVIEW friends, I am having post #NIweek blues. See you next year and have a relaxing weekend.

  3. RT @Astro_Alex: Never have thought I would fly right through an #aurora. I made a wish, just in case it's an undiscovered rule http://t.co/…

  4. RT @delacorllc: Excellent recap check out part1. Can't wait for part 2. NI Week 2014 Highlights - Buzzwords Galore http://t.co/OIUsYtn3Q9 v…

  5. RT @hooovahh: Ladies of NI Week at the LAVA BBQ #niweek http://t.co/1x1h9OrV9d

  6. Proud to have represented the Community -Engineering Impact Award NI Community's Choice Award to @Vasculogic #NIweek https://t.co/OMpr6WOY38

  7. RT @jeffreytravis: Friends, please follow my new venture @gopositron on Twitter. Exciting announcement coming soon.

  8. Enjoying #redbull #airrace @ DFW, but your website says water and snacks permitted. We got here and not so!!!! With this heat, seriously?

  9. Don't miss @vishots Live tomorrow Wednesday Sept 24, 2014 - 10am US Pacific time. "The Next Chapter" http://t.co/r8GfPaqixS

  10. More on programming is for girls! : The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniu... by Walter Isaacson http://t.co/Ge0UKzZWE1 via @amazon

  11. If you are'nt using #LabVIEW Bookmarks yet, check out use cases to change your mind (& 2 ini tokens) thanks @dnatt : http://t.co/7kYaZLoJmA

  12. RT @labview: Shout out to other #LabVIEW Tweeters! RT to add others: @LadyLabVIEW, @TheLabVIEWLion, @MikeAivaliotis, @chrylarson, @dnatt, @…

  13. Nov 3 @neprisapp CEO Sabari Raja discussing industry + education connections at a panel at PRoject Lead The way conference IN @PLTWorg

  14. Don't miss "Introduction to the LabVIEW Object-Oriented Programming and Hardware Abstraction Layers" with @Jarobit at #NIDays UK.

  15. Join us (in person or remotely) for our quarterly #LabVIEW Architects Forum meeting today, 11/13/2014 at 6:00 PM https://t.co/kFaiGMh2l9

  16. Excellent discussion about accessor methods #LabVIEW #LVOOP @ LAF meeting. LabVIEW Champion Nate Moehring presenting https://t.co/VN7tBqPlob

  17. Recording from #LabVIEW Architects Forum meeting now available at https://t.co/0kqX3fPKos

  18. I added the chat comments that we were able to recover to this post: https://t.co/d0oN2g6UT4 close to the top ther… https://t.co/1cqW3MvO0F

  19. 2015 CLA Summits: March 2-5 @ Austin,TX. April 13 - 16 @ Rome, Italy. There is time to get #LabVIEW certification @CLASummit #CLASummit

  20. If you are a scientist or an engineer, consider volunteering with Nepris @neprisapp http://t.co/atV0vVIaJ8 via @YouTube

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