When trying to communicate over a serial port I get "port settings conflict" error in the MAX.
After selecting the correct serial settings (57600 Baud, 8bits, no parity 1 stop bit) and saving the port settings the device still doesn't working correctly.
As I open a VISA session in MAX I see in the "View all settable Atributtes...." that the baudrate did not changed to 57600 Baud. Only when writing in the VISA session the correct baudrate with the property node (write) the communication for that session works.
However when refreshing the MAX or leaving the MAX the settings are changed back to 9600 baud.
When programming in LabVIEW I can't get a reply back. It looks like that the application uses the wrong baudrate.
(Used several examples from NI where baudrate is configured.)
Does some one encounderd this problems before and is there a work arround for it?
I'm using LabVIEW 8.5
Hope someone could help me